
    Y Blogging for Dummies

     Totally clueless about Y Blogging?
    Needed a up-to-date information about being a Y bloggist?
    Just simply flick the cursor upwards
    To view my two cents worth of thought.

    Being a Y blogger in Singapore is tough. On average, we spent about 22 years of our life studying and that is to say that we have to spend a quarter of our lifetime developing a relationship with books.Do you know how many assignments we have to complete everyday? Don’t blame us for being nerds. Being a nerd is cool,especially with a bunch of nerdy friends. Try not to coup yourself in the study room, go out and have fun with nerdy people like us.
    Our nerdy life could be much better with cool teachers and lecturers who unleash the hidden potential in us. That is, to be a Y bloggist. My word of advice is to take writing or communication modules or courses in schools that would take your writing skills up to the next level.

    Performing a frantic search for costumes and dresses and taking crazy photos with photo props is an all-time tradition for Y bloggists. So, grab any items you can find around you and think of “CUTE”,”EMO” or “OMG” poses to shoot with. A word of caution: Do not perform this operation when you reach your late twenties or thirties as it may signal a need to visit the doctor.

     When travelling to a foreign land, Y bloggists always choose the wild card. Staying in 5- Star luxurious hotels and eating scrumptious buffets are more suited for X bloggists who had a generous budget to splurge on. Y bloggists love walking on tight ropes and trekking through the dangerous and treacherous pathway. 
    When travelling, don’t forget to capture priceless moments like this.

    Remember the Y bloggist Mantra: TWEET,FACE,TWEET and BLOG.

    You can tweet,face,tweet as much as you want but don’t stalk 
    on others. Y bloggists are suppose to let others stalk on them.
     Learning to speak and communicate in a different language allows any Y bloggist to communicate with other Y bloggist from other foreign countries. During your summer holidays, you could take language courses or participate in language immersion programmes instead of staying home to be a couch potato. Once you master the language, you could start blogging in other languages, like myself.

     This is our trademark for Y bloggists. Everywhere you go, do a nice star/buddha jump.

    If you have a talent, strut and don’t hid it.



    Under the Y bloggist’s dictionary, the word “talent” is defined as an ability to engage yourself in the most entertatining or least expected activity and this includes trying to climb up the wall with your four limbs like spiderman.
     Well, what if you are shy appearing on Youtube alone? Do a youtube collaboration with other Y bloggist or the Y Youtubbist.
    Or maybe you have a hidden talent but it has not been discovered? It could be due to pressure or stress from studies. In order to discover your true talent, do this.

     Try being a little “dummy” who doesn’t follow what “non-dummies” would do.

    That’s the true spirit of a Y bloggist.
    Trust me.

    And do vote for me.


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