We’re inching closer to 2012 and I thought maybe it’s time to do a little reflection and look back on what I’ve done in my blogging journey. It’s been really fruitful and exciting so far as I’ve attended several events, food tasting sessions, sampled a range of beauty products and travelled to promote other countries as a tourist destination. It’s all so appealing, right? But there’s goes a lot of hard work and effort in making this possible.
As bloggers, we have to explore our creativity and continue to up our photography and writing skills to bring the best of everything to our readers. Lastly, the great friendships made between the bloggers, sharing our hardships and the “ups” and “downs” of the blogosphere, is something that I really treasure.
How it all started
So, flashing back to the past, where I was just a student blogging about my assignments and module in 2010, it was the time where I had a plentiful amount of energy and the craziest ideas churning in my head, ready to spew it and type everything out. That was January 18, 2010, which marks my first blog post for this blog.
The Struggle
Then, somewhere between June 2010 till the end of 2010, my motivation for writing blog post went downhill, almost losing the passion to write. From March to June 2011, my passion for blogging revived when I attended my first blogging event and I was one of the finalists for the Singapore Blog Awards 2011.
From then on, I started to venture into sponsored advertorials and has been attending blogger events organised by Omy.sg and other companies. At first, I wasn’t too overly concerned with my readership because I was simply only blogging for fun. I considered it as a platform for me to practice my writing skills.
But as time went on, I was surprised when I noticed that the number of my page views jump by leaps – from 712 page views in March 2011 to 7081 page views in November 2011. It’s a humbling achievement for me considering that I’m not a fantastic blogger with superb writing skills or is well-liked by the masses.
Blog stats in March 2011

(I signed up as a member with Blogspot since 2009 and has been experimenting with blogs but failed as I lack the motivation. So, that explains why the stats was analyse from May 2009.
Blog stats in November 2011

Thank YOU. Thank you for supporting this blog by clicking onto my blog link and for giving me a chance to share my writings.
It would be great if you guys can keep those comments coming in too! Feel free to email or tweet me if you have any questions.