Thank you NParks,URA and Marina Bay Singapore for the lovely invite to witness Asia’s Premier Garen and Flower Show, the Singapore Garen Festival! I was warmly welcomed by a fairytale castle themed entrance display which stood right outside the exhibition hall at level 6 of Suntec Convention Centre!
This biennial garden event , which opens to the public on 7 July 2012 til 15 July 2012, showcases creations from world’s top award-winning garden and floral designers under one roof. You will not only get to take photos with beautifully manicured floral gardens, but you will also get to shop at the marketplace where you can purchase orchid seedlings, plants, seeds and other gardening accessories. If you love plants and gardening or interior home designing, this will be the place for you to get inspired by more than 39 internationally acclaimed garden and floral designers who serve up a visual fiesta of exquisite garden and floral displays in competitions.
The exhibition halls for this event is held on Level 6 and Level 4. On level 6, you will get to feast your eyes upon the Best of Show Landscape and Fantasy Gardens which features 10m by 10m creations by top award-winning gardening luminaries from around the world. In addition to that, at the peripheral of the exhbition hall on level 6, there’s the Floral windows to the world which features colourful and vibrant cut-flower displays and floral masterpieces with stunning set design and lighting by floral designers from around the world.
Last but not least, on Level 4, you will get to enjoy the Singapore Orchid show, Garden Fiesta and vibrant marketplace. This is a great venue for family outings or gatherings where the young and the old will be both engaged with different activities and exhibitis offered during this festival.

I would love to wear a wedding gown similar to this!
Paintings of orchids for sell at Festive Shoppes.
You will also be able to purchase some fine tea bags home.
Balcony Garden Competition
Wondering how to include green spaces into living home? Take some time to study these exhibits and learn how landscape designers transform 3m by 3m living home spaces into a soothing retreat for the citydwellers like us. I was inspired to incorporate a mini indoor garden in my future home so that I could do a little “getaway” from the office or work and get myself surrounded with lush greenery that would calm my nerves.
As you walk out of the exhibition hall at Level 6 and proceed to Level 4, do look out for some large pieces of Ficus topiary pieces. Topiary is the art of forming living sculpture by perpetually “training” these live plants to develop and maintains specific shape forms. How cool is that!
This garden landscape is designed by primary school kids! How adorable!
This is a song, la-la-la, Elmo song!
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It’s nice to own a cottage house by the countryside, don’t you think? A perfect getaway from the city.
Greenery can indeed exude fresh comfort and organic appeal into our living spaces. Take a stroll through the living room, kitchen, oudoor and corridor and be inspired by simple tips to create your very own green oasis!
Wow, I don’t think I could ever have plants for dinner? It looks pretty unapetizing with the soil and woody branches.
I love how the way the thin tree branches spreading outwards. It’s an art itself.
Cakes made out of leaves,branches and stems?
My friend, Posh bought 2 young orchid seedlings for SGD$10 only! Orchids are pretty sturdy flowers which can withstand dry conditions for several days.
Me: ” Can I take a photo with you?”
Bumble Bee: ” Zzz..!!! Zzz!!!”
Me: ” Can we take another shot?”
Bumble bee and Grasshopper: ” ZzzZzzzZZZZZzzz.Zzz.Zzzz!!!”
Seezzz youzzz guyzzz aroundzzzz!!!
There will also be several gardening talks by gardening gurus! Check out the programme details on their website.