
    A Jar of Happiness…or Thankfulness

    A few weeks ago, Elizabeth Gilbert, author of the book titled “Eat, Pray, Love” posted on her wall about  this Happiness Jar project she had where she would write things that made her happy that day on little notes and drop them into a huge glass jar. She would do so everyday til the jar becomes overflow with happiness…

    Her project did inspire others, like myself, to pen down our happiness and store them in a jar so that every morning, whenever we look at the jar with piling notes of love and happiness, you can’t help but to feel thankful for what you are already blessed with. But instead of tossing handwritten notes into a jar, I decided that I would pen down little notes in my journal for thankfulness, a birthday gift from Esther. Instead of writing notes of “happiness”, I figured I needed to write notes about the people  ,things and opportunities that I’m truly thankful for.

    I’m counting my blessings. Starting from today to remind myself every single day how beautiful life is.

    Don’t you feel blessed that you could read this blog post with your eyes and breathe in air all the same time while munching onto a bar of heavenly chocolate? And being thankful for something doesn’t necessarily means you are luckier than others. It’s all about being grateful to the God who provides you with what you need.

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