On 23 May 2013,the night of the Social Star Awards is one glamourous event which I could never forget. It’s another one of those eye-opening experience for me as someone who is not working in the showbiz or media business. But tonight, I got this exclusive opportunity to cover this event with a media pass slung across my neck along with other journalists, reporters and photographers from the various local and international press agencies. It’s exhilarating for me as I get to play the role of a reporter and photographer at the very same time while I am standing about an arm length apart from these international celebrities I am about to meet.Some of the A-lists stars includes Aerosmith,CeeLo Green,PSY,Carly Rae Jepsen, Sky Blu and Jessica Alba whom I might be rubbing shoulders off with.
Carly Rae Jepsen |

Carly Rae Jepsen
Tonight, at the red carpet event, the photographers and videographers were all stationed behind stachions and barricades near to the entrance of the VIP area while the screaming fans gathered near the driveway,waiting patiently for their idols to emerge from the grand and sleek-looking expensive cars.
And when Carly Rae Jepsen arrived, there’s sudden outburst of screams by the young teenage-looking fans of Carly who thrust their hands out towards Carly, as if reaching for her. Some even armed with notebooks,papers and pens so that they could get the stars to sign autographs for them.It did reminded me of how crazy I was over music boybands like A1 where I practically screamed the top of my lungs that moment they appeared on stage. It’s one of those heart-throbbing moments when you meet someone whom you have idolized for quite some time.
Standing alongside with other photographers who happened to be all men can get pretty interesting. Thankfully, the red carpet area for photographers is quite spacious and we don’t really have to push or squeeze our way through just to get a snapshot of the celebrities. While waiting for each celebrity to sashay down the black carpet ( yes, they use black carpet here), some would engage in casual conversations with others about the celebrities they have just shoot. And their conversations could go something like this, ” Hey, any idea who’s that person who just walked down the red carpet?” or ” Who’s that?” It’s quite ticklish for me to be hearing their conversations because even photographers themselves don’t really know who or what they are shooting. I got to admit that even for myself, I do not know some of those VIPs who strutted down their carpet with their prim and proper suits or dazzling dresses.

Pan-Asian girl pop group, Blush will also be performing at the Social Stars Awards.
The original Harlem Shaker’s
The original Harlem Shaker’s were doing the Harlem Shake on the black carpet. Dressed up in skin-tight costumes which masked their faces was not a very good idea as nobody knew who they were til the hosts introduced them on stage during the Social Star Awards. But got to say that their Harlem shake performance at the awards was awesome! Not to mention that the LIVE Harlem shake led by them was made memorable when everyone stood up from the seats to wriggle and dance.
LMFAO’s Sky BluThat night, Sky Blu also performed LMFAO’s party rock anthem which made everyone started to get up to their feet and dance.
Jeremy PivenThe Emmy and Golden Globe Award winning actor, Jeremy Piven was one of the host for the Social Star Awards. Along with the other A-lists stars such as Aerosmith,CeeLo Green,PSY,Carly Rae Jepsen,Sky Blu
Jessica AlbaWelcome to Singapore! She’s one of the reasons why I chose to attend the Social Star Awards. A Hollywood actress and now a mum and entrepreneur, this lady still glows from within.
Most of the photographers beside me were all stunned by her beauty.
She’s looking into my camera! Superstars were trained to look into cameras for a perfect shot.
George TakeiYou may have recognised him as an American actor who played the role of Hikaru Sulu in the television series Star Trek.
Eric Benet An American RnB singer who sings to this jazzy and soulful tunes like “Sometimes I Cry” which sounded pretty good after hearing it on YouTube.
Everyone’s waiting for PSY to come and when he finally came, the screams grew louder and wilder. He’s indeed well-loved by Singaporeans. That night he performed his hit songs “Gangnam” and “Gentlemen” which really hyped up the atmosphere during the awards.

After the red carpet event, I immediately had to rush off to the MasterCard Theatres for the Social Star Awards where many local celebrities and VIPs would also be there to attend the first-ever Social Star Awards held at Marina Bay Sands, Singapore.
Social Star Awards
The opening of the award was great where the crowd was hyped up with the introduction of the hosts and the filming of the live Harlem Shake on YouTube. But the atmosphere and liveliness did went down abit in the middle of the awards when Eric Benet started to sing a slow blue jazzy song in the midst of all the excitement. Below are some snapshots taken during the awards.
Photo credit: Starcount |
Photo credit: Starcount |
Photo credit: Starcount |
Photo credit: Starcount |
The awards was also streamed live on YouTube. You could also watch the performances and award show here, right below.