When I had my hair permed last year, I wish I had like this moisturizing hair mist spray which could style and liven up my curls after getting out of bed. There were styling hair sprays for curly or wavy hair around in the market but I didn’t like the stiff and sticky feeling it gives on my hair. But here’s the great news, my envision dream hair product is finally in the market! Introducing the new Liese Bed Hair Moisture Boost hair mist for wavy hair. It’s more than a moisture boost for your locks but it also leaves your hair smelling like raspberries!
Liese Juicy Shower Moisturizing Hair Mist for Wavy Hair is an all-new 2-in-1 treatment and styling aid developed specially for curly or wavy hair. Infused with a unique formula of raspberry extract, this leave-in hair product moisturizes dry and damaged permed hair and liven up the curls and waves in the hair.The sweet refreshing raspberry scent really perks me up the moment I spritz some on my curls.
Liese Juicy Shower Moisturizing Hair Mist for Wavy Hair currently retails at S$14.90 for the trigger bottle (200ml), and S$16.90 for the refill bottle (400ml).
Available at all leading pharmacies, personal care stores, and supermarkets.
Visit www.liese.com.sg or http://www.facebook.com/LieseSG for more information.