Showering has never been more invigorating and rejuvenating ever since ORIGINAL SOURCE came into my life. I was showered with 10 variants from ORIGINAL SOURCE of different natural fragrances extracted from nature. It feels like I was entering a garden of fruits and flowers whenever I pop open that bottle of body wash.
Well, I was not new to this brand and in fact, I was once their fan until I started switching to other brands as I noticed their long list of ingredients that is filled with long scientific chemical names that I couldn’t make sense of. My favourite product in their range then was Tea Tree because it produces that nice tingling sensation on your skin.
Fast forward to today, their products came out even better and stronger. The list of ingredients used was down by a huge fraction and narrowed down to natural essential oils and some chemicals to formulate the body wash. It looked and smell greater than ever before. You know what? Their Mint and Tea Tree body wash is now the bomb. It’s potent as it is packed with the real stuff. The real tea tree oil that awakens my body, senses and even right up to my cells and probably the cell nucleus too. I know it’s kinda crazy because I never had such an experience before where my skin continues to feel energized and smelt like a tea tree leaf even right out of the shower after 20 minutes.
Life with ORIGINAL SOURCE got even more exciting as I test out other body wash flavours Vanilla Raspberry, Lavender and Tea Tree, Lemon and Tea tree and so on. It was like a shower buffet for me where I get to experience drizzling plant essence all over my body without having to crush leaves, flowers and fruits with my own bare hands.
Not to mention that these products are vegan-certified, vegetarian-friendly and eco-friendly. These are made in UK and packaged in fully-recyclable bottles. They come in pocket-friendly prices too. It’s retailing at SGD 6.50 per bottle (250ml) which really works out to be a good deal as compared to other bath products of natural and organic brands. Check out their funky packaging with fun mathematical facts included.
Since I was given a rainbow, I thought I could categorize them in series and share with you the real beauty and secrets behind each bottle of sunshine.
For my male counterparts, the HYDRATE, REVIVE and DEEP CLEAN for men says it all. I know that you are not all about pink and purple since you are all about being manly and confident. So blue, yellow and green are your go-to bold that brings out the manhood in you. Enhance your cologne with these natural-smelling fragrances which leaves you feeling clean and fresh because no women likes their men to smell like a flower bomb or salted fish. Plus, this 2-in-1 product that is meant for both body and hair works well for you efficient (or lazy) people. I know that you don’t really care like us women do as long as it eradicates the smell of your sweat glands.
Last but not least is new Cranberry and honey body scrub which can be used daily. It makes you smells like a christmas tree with cranberry-flavoured candy canes dangling on it. Crap, where’s my Cranberry and honey scrub?
What? In my mum’s bath tub.
I got to hide all these goodies for now.
Meanwhile, check out these juicy links below:
Also, how do you think I could recycle ORIGINAL SOURCE bottles? Make a Christmas tree out of it? Leave a comment below!