
    Contact Lenses for Presbyopia

    It’s funny how some people develop short-sightedness when they were young and when they reach middle age, their degree starts to fall. Eventually some began to develop another eye condition called presbyopia.

    In greek, presby means old man and ops means sight. So presbyopia is an eye condition that affect mostly people over the ages of 40 where you can’t seem to close-up very clearly. You will often find yourself having to distant yourself away from the screen or the newspaper in order to attain a clearer vision.

    It’s the reverse of myopia where you can see close-up objects clearly but not objects placed far away. I’m highly myopic like my other fellow Singaporeans who enjoys gluing their eyeballs to the screen. It will be quite some time before I hit 40 and experience presbyopia. Since I am a contact lens wearer, I wonder if I would have to resort wearing those traditional-looking gold-tinted roundish glasses designed for old people. If you are over 40 and still keeping up with the trends, you might be punching in the air with delight right now because yes, there’s finally such a multifocal contact lenses that help corrects presbyopia. A multifocal contact lenses provides clear vision at all distances.

    Coopervision has launched their Proclear 1-Day Multifocal contact lenses for those suffering from presbyopia. It’s a daily disposable lenses that helps bring about clear vision to those with presbyopia.
    The lenses are able to stay 96% hydrated throughout the day, even after 12 hours of wear.

    If you are over 40 and want to give this product a try or know a family, relative and friend who might be interested in this? Share this great news with them!

     Here’s how you can redeem a free trial pair of Proclear 1-Day Multifocal contact lenses for yourself.


    • For a small fee of $15, get an eye check by an eye care professional and get a FREE 5-day trial of CooperVision Proclear 1 day multifocal contact lenses.
    • The $15 can be used to offset the purchase of a minimum of 2 boxes of PC1DMF @ $150.
    • The promotion is available at the 8 stores listed in the drop down box titled “Redemption Outlet” on the same webpage.

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