
    BoxGreen Co. – April Box : Essential Life Mantras

    “Everyday do something that will inch you closer to a better tomorrow.” – Doug Firebough

    April is the pretty much the onset of summer. Once again, Springtime is coming to an end and the sunshine is streaming right in, through our tinted glasses. I’m feeling the warmth and the glow from the sun. Do you, too?
    BoxGreen Co. April Box

    The ingredients that you’ll need to get pass this month:
    1. Stay Fancy with Fanciful Figs

    There were memorable lessons learn this month as I embarked on another lifestyle, or rather on another journey with someone. Life needs us to be fancy in order for us to experience what colours could really do in our lives. I’d say, be bold and try different things. Being adventurous took me to places I’d never imagine myself to be. 

    2. Spread sweetness and love with Honeyed Walnuts

    It’s perfectly fine to give a resounding ‘yes’ to love when it really comes knocking at your door. Celebrate and remember to share this dose of sweetness with thy neighbours. Everything tasted much better when it is covered with a layer of honey.

    3. Spice it up with Onion Macademia and Garlic (OMG)

    This month was full of surprises for me. It was tainted with hues of happiness, anger and sorrows but nevertheless, I know these were what made life so happening. I’ve learnt to embrace tensions, arguments and dissatisfaction. Because when you start looking back and realized how ‘OMG’ life was for good, you will just find yourself breaking into a good laugh and wondering how on earth you’ve managed to been through it all.

    4. Taro Strips
    You could think life in a form of strips, rather than a never-ending strip. We can create breaks in between where we can reflect and make new decisions if failure seems near. The pauses in between give us time to pick up ourselves again. The sermon I heard in church has also reignite my hunger and drive to succeed in achieving my goals. ‘Get up! Move on.’
    That’s how I am going to take on this world – one strip at a time.

    Throw in some soulful treats that fuelled your body in between meals because all need these treats to stay on track. Take a break and enjoy some plant-based snacks.

    Many thanks to BoxGreen Co. for nourishing me this month.

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