
    Day 3: Filming with Channel News Asia on ‘The Cost of Living Well: The Nutritionist

    Day 3: An interview with A Nutritionist

    Channel News Asia Day 3 Common Cents

    Channel News Asia (CNA) invited me to be on one of their Common Cents episode on ‘The Cost of Living Well’. I spent about 3 days doing a shoot with them. It was definitely an honour to be invited by CNA to talk about my healthy eating habits and lifestyle.

    The final shooting was an interview with nutritionist Pooja where I learnt a lot from her about her opinions on the raw food diet.

    Before the shoot, she shared openly about her views on a raw food diet and how this diet might not suit everyone and I had to agree with her because this diet isn’t for everyone as some of us might not adapt well especially if we go to the extreme. That explains why I try to keep it a balance by not going fully raw and not being too restrictive with my diet.

    In actual fact, I was not full on a raw vegan diet. I was actually sticking to a vegetarian diet or no-meat and dairy diet for about a year or so.

    Channel News Asia Day 3 Common Cents

    But one of the useful advice she gave is to include one or two raw meals per day as eating raw foods like fruits and vegetables do have its benefits.

    Filming the last bits of the scene!

    Steven Chia and I conducted the interview together and have a discussion with the nutritionist.

    Channel News Asia Day 3 Common Cents

    I must say that it is a fruitful and eye-opening experience so far but I have learnt a lot about filming and being on camera now. And this really helps me a lot in my future shoots like the YouTube video I did for Summer’s Eve. Do stay tuned for that too!  

    Look back, it came as a total surprise for me when I received an email invitation from Channel News Asia’s producer to be on this show. It was not a paid assignment but they do reimburse my transport fares. Nonetheless, this once-in-a-lifetime experience is a good motivating factor to do what I love and enjoy in life.

    You can read about my Day 1 and Day 2 Filming process with CNA too.

    Watch it on Toggle here!

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