bSoul’s philosophy focuses on the natural renewal of the skin through the use of natural ingredients to help the skin defend against environmental factors such as UV light and pollution. It is all about bringing balance back to the skin as they believe that the skin already has the wonderful ability to restore and defending itself. All we need to do is just to respect the nature of our skin and let it function on its own naturally. Likewise for bSoul’s facial, it doesn’t rely on the use of aesthetic machines to bring results but simply by massaging the right nutrients into the skin which allows our own skin to regain back ‘its own health’.
bSoul facial was offered in many beauty salons and I was invited to try out at a beauty salon called Beauty Base, located in the bustling neighbourhoods in Clementi area. It is about 3 minutes walk from Clementi MRT. It was super convenient especially if you are a westie like myself.
I didn’t expect much while I was there as I thought it was just a regular neighbourhood beauty salon – small with limited amenities. But I was proven wrong with this salon right here. Beauty Base was beautifully furnished and it is even bigger than some of the beauty salons I’ve visited in town.
Can you believe this? They’ve been around for almost 20 years already! You must understand that it is not easy for a beauty salon to flourish for more than 20 years in a competitive environment here in Singapore where they are a countless number of aesthetic centres and beauty salons.

Beauty Base has their treatment rooms located on the second floor and everything there just looked so new.
Yes, they even have a dressing room with a vanity table just in case you might want to tidy up your hair after a facial.

My beauty base spa experience started off with MTM therapy which stands for Meridian Tissue Manipulation therapy which uses buffalo horns to unlock the knots in the muscles.This form of therapeutic TCM-based massage works directly on the meridian tissue and it really helps to address the various health problems you have in your body.
I personally have tried this massage on my face and I really enjoyed it though it is painful as I find that my skin became so much firmer after the treatment. And this time, I am trying it out on my back. It proves to be quite a painful (and ticklish) experience but I was glad that all the knots melt away under the skillful hands of the therapist who did the massage for me. It helps a lot that she is patient and constantly asked if it is too painful or whether I am feeling alright.
No pain, no gain. I mean which therapeutic massage is painless? That’s unless you are in the best state of health and have no problems with your body in general but the truth is most of us do encounter problems under the environmental stresses we are facing each day. I still faced water retention, bloatedness, lower back ache and digestive system problems on a daily basis and I believe in the therapeutic value of these massages that helps to alleviate such problems.
MTM therapy was carried out using the buffalo horns as well as Meditrina’s Ageless herbal cream which I was glad that they also gave me a bottle of it to let me try it out at home. This herbal cream is quite amazing and I was surprised that I actually have not heard about this miracle cream before! This herbal cream is made up of botanical ingredients which help us to restore youth, health, and vitality in general. I’ve started using it for a couple of days already and I will keep you updated of my review for this product in my later blog posts!
Check out these buffalo horns they use! They really help to loosen out those tight spots I have on my shoulders and I felt that my muscles were more relaxed after the treatment. There’s bound to be some bruises which will be gone after a few days but thankfully I only had small patches of it on my shoulders.
After an hour long of the MTM back treatment, it comes to the highly anticipated part of my experience here at Beauty base – the bSoul facial. I have reviewed so many types of facials over the years as a blogger and this facial, I believe, is one of the most impressive facial ever because it gives you similar results as those facials that rely on the use of machines or some expensive ampoules. But for bSoul facial, it is simply just the use of bSoul products and 20 minutes long of good facial massage. There isn’t even the need to do extraction too. Now you know why this is the best soothing facial ever.
The facial started off with some gentle cleansing and then a deep cleansing scrub using bSoul hydra-face scrub 3 actions. Let’s not go into the science and technology bits of this product but this product seriously works wonders. This scrub is so effective that there isn’t really a need to do an extraction on my face because all the white and black are out after the scrub. And what the therapist did was to leave the scrub on my skin for a few minutes and then massage the scrub all over my face in gentle circular motions with bSoul’s serum to intensify the hydration effect on my dry skin. My skin felt so smooth and all the bumps were gone after the scrub. And I was like wow! I never knew the scrub could do so much when I was reviewing bSoul scrub a year back.
After the deep cleansing action, the therapist did a long facial massage using bSoul’s serums. I am pretty sure that it was the longest facial massage I’ve ever received. 20 or 30 minutes? The massage really helps to drive the product effectively right into the tissues and stimulate blood circulation in the facial tissues. The product, combined with the massage, helps to activate the skin cells to naturally replenish its vital nutrients to work efficiently in keeping the skin supple and healthy. I really love the fact on how simple this non-invasive treatment is as sometimes manual extraction on the skin can cause even more outbreaks.
I guess achieving good and healthy skin can be really that simple. Eat well, drink lots of water, use the right skincare product that uses natural active ingredients that would help restore the skin naturally and show some tender loving care for your skin through massage. It isn’t too complicated, right?