
    Foam Roller SG : MyoTrigger + Foam Roller Exercises

    Have you seen or used this cylindrical-like roller? To me, this is by far one of the best inventions to help prevent sports injuries and a self-massaging tool. I am no expert when it comes to this area but I would just like to share with you guys how the foam roller has helped me a lot in the recovery of my knee and back injury. All the deep tissue massage and stretching has helped reduce the risk of further sports injuries for me and I thought I would just share with you on how I would use the foam roller especially after receiving the MyoTrigger foam roller from Foamroller SG.

    You can get your own foam roller from at an affordable price and try it yourself at home! You can watch my video on how I use the foam roller or refer to the infographics created by Foamroller SG below which illustrates how the foam roller could be used on your upper and lower parts of the body,

    Also, here’s a special discount code for you! Use ‘deenise10’ when prompt for the code on their website to receive 10% off all products. There’s no time limit and unlimited usage!

    Special thanks to Foamroller SG to the hardcore foam rollers.

    Special thanks to Foamroller SG to the hardcore foam rollers!

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