I am now convinced that plants are created to help humans to live longer and healthier. They not only nourish us but also heal us just like medicine. Besides going for natural beauty products, even medicines or creams are going 100% natural too.
I came across THEO10 while I was exploring Bollywood Veggies and it’s awesome that they are selling their natural, biodegradable and DEET-free insect repellent to ward away those mozzies which I encountered many at the farm. Unlike any other insect repellent, this can of repellent smells of peppermint and it smells pleasant, unlike repellents that contain citronella.
Repellents that contain citronella are indeed very effective in repelling insects but sometimes the strong scent can be too overpowering for some. On the other hand, the slight peppermint scent of THEO10 repellent is more acceptable to my nose.
So exactly which ingredient in their formula repels insects? It’s peppermint. Apparently, there also other online sources state boast about how peppermint that repels away insects too.
I really like the fact the cleverly mix a few types of essential oil together to create this effective formula that ward off the mozzies. Since it doesn’t contain any other artificial chemicals, it is safe for those with sensitive skin and even for young children too.
When using this product, though, make sure your skin is fully covered with the product. You might want to spray over your skin and then use your fingers to rub the product into the skin. It has this nice refreshing sensation which is perfect for the summer. It isn’t oily and it gets absorbed readily into the skin.
It’s also perspiration-resistant and can protect your skin against mosquitoes for up to 4 hours.
If I were you, I would apply about 2 layers over my skin just to ensure that no mosquitoes would bite me. It’s really not too bad for a natural insect repellent that has a pleasant scent.
Other than the repellents, Theo10 also produces their own balms for insect bites and muscle aches. Both of these products are made using natural ingredients too.
These two products are stored in a really tiny tube which is light and easy to travel around.
Theo10 Heat (20ml)
This balm is great for muscle aches and chronic joint pains. When applied to the skin, it produces a slight burning and tingling sensation which is quite bearable compared to other types of balms for muscle aches can cause this intense heating sensation which can sometimes be rather uncomfortable.
The ingredients found in this product are Peppermint, Cinnamomum, camphora. oleoresin capsicum and beeswax.

Theo10 Skin (20ml)
This is a moisturizing first-aid bum which can treat insect bites, minor cuts, and burns. It contains Salanin, Peppermint, Nimbin, and beeswax. I like that the balm isn’t too oily and it absorbs readily into the skin. My qualm is that the tube is rather small.
There must be something really amazing about peppermint, isn’t it?
You can now purchase their products online at http://www.theo10.com at Metro Centrepoint.
Visit their Facebook Page for more updates and information.