Brotzeit : Let’s Start Afresh!

Taking risks, seeking new solutions and starting afresh are ways to bring your businesses or your personal life up to the next level. I love it when restaurants or cafes switches up their menu every now and then so that there’s always something to look forward to. What’s next? At Brotzeit, they kept things exciting…

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The Perfect Buffet Match at J65

If you enjoy buffet-hopping, you should definitely add J65 into your list for must-go buffets. J65,  the all-day-dining restaurant at Hotel Jen Tanglin has recently introduced five weekly themed buffet spread to keep you spoilt for choice and yet craving for more from now till May 2017. While other hotel buffets cater to the similar…

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Breathya: The Salt Cave Experience

The latest form of wellness therapy in Singapore has got to be salt therapy – a drugless form of therapy which requires you to enclose yourself in the salt room and inhale salt microcrystals to recharge your body. Who would have known that salt has such great beneficial properties? Since the mid 18th century, people…

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Enjoy Tasty Soups Right At Home

It’s easy to cook up a pot of soup but it does require some time for you to prepare all the ingredients. You often need to chop the shallots, garlic and other herbs into fine pieces before tossing everything into the pot. Who doesn’t enjoy fresh homemade soups – the ones serve in restaurants and…

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The Perfect Brew : Coffee Appreciation Workshop

Starting off the day with some freshly-brewed coffee is a great way to kick start the weekend! Last Saturday, I attended a coffee appreciation workshop by Bettr Barista Coffee Academy. It was a time well spent to learn and appreciate all about coffee. Bettr Barista Coffee Academy also shared with us about their company’s mission and…

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