It is normal to shed about 50 to 100 hair strands a day. How much hair are you losing each day?
Even though my hair loss falls within the normal range, I felt that it is strange how I am losing so much hair as I grow older. I don’t remember losing that much hair as a kid. But why do? Nutritional deficiencies, hormonal imbalances and stress are quoted as common causes of hair loss. So I guess as adults, we get subjected to work stress, poor diet and hormonal imbalances as we grow older.
For us females, hair loss is exceptionally worrying. Hair defines a woman’s physical beauty. During our periods and pregnancy, we tend to lose more hair due to hormonal imbalance. Since our hair is longer, we tend to think that we are losing a lot more hair than we should. With longer hairstyles, we tend to tend up our hair into a ponytail with rubber bands which tend to add physical stress on our scalp.
And the last thing we want to see are bald patches, a visible scalp and gradual thinning on top of our heads. So what do we do to reduce hair loss while searching for ways to treat the root cause?
1. Shampoo your hair properly
If you have a dry scalp, try washing your hair every other day instead of washing it daily. But if you have really oily scalp, it is recommended to wash your hair every day to avoid the pores on your scalp from clogging.
After shampooing, rinse your hair thoroughly using lukewarm water. Never wash your hair with hot water as it strips away moisture and opens up the pores which will weaken your hair roots. And when you shampoo, focus more on cleaning the scalp rather than the ends of your hair.
Lastly, never ever scrub the scalp with your nails as that can cause abrasions on the scalp. Be gentle with your scalp!
2. Use a proper scalp shampoo
Using the wrong shampoo can sometimes result in hair loss. I’ve used several brands of shampoos because and some of the shampoo brands made my hair shed like crazy. These days, I stick to gentler shampoos that contain less harmful chemicals for the scalp. Herbal shampoos with botanical extracts in them are great because some of the ingredients can help nourish the scalp. I’ve been trying out this Korean herbal shampoo brand and you can read my honest review of the shampoo in my next blog post.
Balancing shampoos are great for everyday use. It has a mild yet deep cleansing formula that will cleanse your hair and scalp. They are often made with natural or organic ingredients that are nourishing for our hair and scalp.
3. Go for a shorter hairstyle

That was exactly what I did. A shorter hairstyle means shorter hair strands falling to the ground which will not seem like a lot of hair. It is not only easy to maintain but also makes you look younger and more energetic.
4. Avoid excessive chemical treatments
I have stopped colouring my hair and going for hair chemical treatments which might, in turn, weaken the hair follicles and causes more hair to drop. I’ve gone for excessive chemical hair treatments in the past and it is also perhaps why my scalp tends to get drier over the years.
5. Avoid tying your hair
If I would like to keep my hair away from my face, I would usually use a clip instead. As much as possible, I try not to tye my hair which may exert more stress on the scalp. If I had to tie my hair, I would tie it in a low and loose ponytail.
6. Maintain a healthy and balanced diet
Last of all, as much as possible, try to eat healthily and exercise regularly. Sleeping early and supplement your diet with nutritional food will also help over a period of time. I find that when I am sleeping enough and eating well, I tend to have lesser hair fall.
7. Get sufficient rest and try not to get so stress up!
Stress really causes hormonal imbalances which result in hair loss. When I get stressed up with work, I tend to drop more hair.