When I was scrolling through TikTok in my bed (just like any other night), I came across this video about a lady who shared a nugget of wisdom on being rich. To sum it up, she simply said that she was once told that if you want to be rich, you have to consume less and produce more. I couldn’t agree more.
I guess this nugget of wisdom resonates with me because I have been quietly living this minimalist lifestyle where I consume little and use my time wisely to create and produce content which I am passionate about. I wouldn’t say that this is a path to riches but it is a path to achieve better stability in life. And how do I do it?
Value the intangibles over the tangibles

You will soon discover that many tangible things lose their value over time. I am talking about clothes, fashion accessories, toys and the little knick-knacks on your desk or monumental items which are stowed away in your storeroom.
I used to keep letters and notes that my friends wrote to me in Primary School. Those handwritten notes were so precious back then but 20 years later, we had lost contact and I vaguely remember the friendships we once had. Reading these old letters now did not bring much nostalgia. In reality, the precious friendships that I treasure the most are the ones who I am still friends with now and meeting up from time to time to catch up with life.
Those old music CDs that were kept in my memory box were no longer valuable to me. Old books and magazines are covered with dust and silverfish are given or tossed away. I have learnt not to get attached to items as I grow older and understand the real value of the intangibles. Overhoarding of material possessions burdens your life. You constantly have to think of ways to store or use them and years later, you forget that you had these items.
How to consume less
Once you have come to terms with that, you will be extra careful with your purchase. I took days to decide if I needed to purchase a clothing item or household items. I would ask myself these questions: Do I need this? How often will I use it? Should I borrow or rent from someone else? Where should I keep this after buying it? Do I have sufficient space in my house to store this? Is it urgent to get it right now?
I do make the wrong judgements from time to time and over-bought items before but not as callously when I was in my twenties – I bought anything cheap and aesthetically pleasing to the eye. Once you consume less, you will find yourself in a better headspace.
Start Creating

With a better headspace, you will have more room for creativity. Can I produce something for others to make a living? What do people need? Can I make money out of this?
I have always loved writing and sharing my thoughts and ideas with others. I love exchanging views and opinions about current affairs or any insights about our society or trends in general. I love being in the know and hearing what others feel about it. This is why I continued to write and post on this website and other social media platforms to reach out to new audiences. I have never stopped doing this since 2010 when my communications lecturer first asked me to publish my assignment as a blog post.
Creating digital content is what I am so passionate about. It is something that only takes up space in the digital world and yet it is so effective in reaching out to the masses. The only raw materials you need are knowledge and wisdom from your brain and passion from your heart to motivate you to create. The tools you need are a phone or laptop and the internet.
I have been living by this mantra and hope I can continue to put out great content. And I hope this article inspires you to consume less and produce more. It’s a secret to more than just riches but to better relationships and mental health.
Read more about the digital content I create here.