My Bible


“For sin will have no dominion over you, since you are not under law but under grace.”

– Romans 6:14
In one week’s time, I will be undergoing baptism by my church which I’ve been attending since the start of this year. I have never been so sure about this – to be saved by Jesus.
And I am ever so glad that I am returning to God by myself, on my own will, and not through anyone else.
I finally understand God’s everlasting love for us and to walk by faith and being closer to Him, I knew that I want my heart to be purified by His grace and holy spirit. I no longer want to walk away from him and thus, I want to be baptized and to pledge my name in His presence and be born again. 
And to walk by faith and hear His words, I knew that I have to start reading the bible in addition to the weekly sermons. I decided to make a trip to Mount Zion at Raffles Place MRT station and discovered that there are so many types of bibles with different cover designs. They all looked so beautiful and then my sight fell upon this pink bible with a soft felt cover.
I asked the lady which bible version is the easiest to read and comprehend. Without hesitation, she said, ‘ New King James version’. 
This bible is in New King James version and the size isn’t too big or small. This bible would last me for a long time and this book of truth and wisdom of life is something which I want to keep for life.

It costs me about $28.90 which is pretty affordable as most of the bibles cost around $40.


I would love to write about each powerful and enriching sermons preached by Pastor Joseph Prince here so that through this, you may hear this good news.


Do you have a study bible ?

I should be getting a study bible soon once I exhaust all the resources of God which I’ve found online.

A couple of days before my birthday, I decided to purchase the DVD called “Boldly Ask, Boldly Receive’ by Pastor Joseph Prince which I’ve been eyeing at it for a long time. I used to have this perception that asking God for blessings upon yourself is very selfish indeed. And I never had faith in God to bring blessings to me then. But now, I do so wholeheartedly in Jesus’ name.

“And so I tell you, keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.”

– Luke 11:9 

You don’t have to be afraid. Ask boldly and receive it boldly as it is. Time and time again, through the stories documented in the bible, it has shown that God never forsakes us. In fact, He is the one who answers our prayers and brought us to the side of victory.


I was once again reminded of the child-like faith that we should all over and trust God that He will provide everything we’ll need because He can and we cannot.


Do you have any other recommendations of good Christian books or bible resources to recommend? I am currently re-reading the book titled ‘Growing Deep in Faith’ written by Edmund Chan. I remember it being a wonderful book to read and soak in all the love and goodness from our Lord. I will be sharing with you about this book every soon!

God bless you.

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