Slurping Ramen at Marutama Ra-Men

Marutama Ra-Men  @The Central  Clarke Quay,Singapore I understood no Japanese. But I reckon the words on the signboard means ” one bowl of Ramen per person for S$12.”    This is considered to be one of authentic Japanese Ramen resturants in Singapore which runs on a simple concept of serving only Ramen. Hot piping bowls…

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AmethyStory : The Skin Eraser

The Story of Amethyst The beauty industry is ever-changing. Every few weeks or months, there would be a report about a breakthrough in cosmetic science industry about a new ingredient that is beneficial for the skin. More than often, it’s a plant or botanical ingredient that claims to cleanse pores,remove dead skin cells, improve skin…

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No Tree,No Koala

Ballarat Wildlife Park @Ballarat,Melbourne 10 September 2011 I am going to the Zoo,zoo,zoo And how about you,you,you? We’re driving along the Road,road,road We’re going to the Zoo,zoo,zoo. Won’t you come along too,too,too? That’s Julia, our guide for the day. Well, it’s not really a zoo where animals are held in captive. This is a…

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