An Unequal Shepherd’s Pie

Peer Teaching In the quest for excellence in higher education, several learning institutions are changing their focus from instructional teaching to independent and effective learning. This paradigm shift in education philosophy has led several educational institutions to employ the method of peer observation of teaching or peer review which serves to facilitate the exchange of…

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Name:________________________________Class: ________________________________ ES2007S : Professional Communication: Principles and Practice Date of examination : Friday the 13th 1) Are you planning to stamp a “R.I.P” sign to your blog after writing your last blog post on ES2007S? Why?   2) ES2007S is full of ________.  (Please fill in the blank.) 3) Please complete the following sentence.  When…

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Steve Jobs: Connecting the Dots

I am always inspired by inspirational speeches by well-known motivational and successful speakers or coaches.They are able to persuade,convince and inspire listeners to get back on their feet and start embracing life again. Being able to present your ideas clearly and concisely to a large mass of people is no easy task. Perhaps the only…

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