The Vacuum Cleaner

Singapore’s Education System The whole journey with Singapore’s education system could be condensed into two words: “vacuum cleaner”. It cleans by sucking away the dirt and dust but at the same time, it also strips away everything which lies in its way. It cannot differentiate whether the piece of crushed paper is simply trash or…

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ViệtNam, I love you

Have you ever watch the movie ” Paris, I love you” or “New York, I love you”? Both movies are a collective work of many short stories which relates to the cultural and social aspects of society. In this blog post, I am going to present my intercultural experiences in Vietnam in a movie-like format. Grab some…

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Position Application Letter:Draft 1

*Note: I have changed the sender’s details as I do not want to disclose my contact details online. **************************************************** Blk 99 Balloon Drive #100-01 Singapore 987654 +65-9111 111 2 February 2010 L’Oreal Singapore Pte Ltd 3 Killiney Road #09-01/06 Winsland House 1 Singapore 239519 Dear Sir/Madam L’Oreal Internship Application I am a Year 3 Life Science undergraduate…

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A Conflict: Look at your own blood-stained hands,first.

This week, we are asked to blog about interpersonal conflict. Sorry for the late post as I have accidentally deleted my draft. Oh, my gawd…how “blur”.                               ********************************* 29 January 2002 Seventeenie MagazineP.O Box 34Cinnamon LaneSingapore 123456 Dear Kelly,                          I am a 14-year-old student who is currently studying at a neighbourhood secondary school. I am writing…

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A Voice Within

This blog entry is written in response to the question: “What is effective communication to me?”. Initially, the blog entry ” The bridge between you and me” was written to address this question but it seems to be lacking my thoughts on how effective communication relates to me. So, I have decided to write another…

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