
    Merry Medley @ Gardens by the Bay: Things You Didn’t Know About Christmas

    Soak up festive cheers at Gardens by the Bay this Christmas with the upcoming Christmas Wonderland and Merry Medley at the Flower Dome. You might be in Sunny Singapore but you can now get to see winter garden plants and winter blooms like Poinsettia, amaryllis and Christmas roses. Nevermind if you don’t have real Christmas trees right at home, just hop down to Gardens by the Bay and you will be able to see, touch and smell the evergreen coniferous trees like Pine.
    People of all ages, both Christians and non-Christians, have been celebrating this festive occasion through one way or another. You probably already know about the birth of Jesus Christ but did you know how Christmas traditions come about? Here are 3 fun facts about Christmas.
    1. People used to decorate Christmas trees with Edibles.
    Before the 18th century, people use to decorate Christmas trees with apples, nuts, and other foods. Imagine hanging actual candy canes, gingerbread man apples on Christmas trees! Kids would love it, though!
    2.  Nutcracker dolls are made to crack actual nuts

    I’ve always associated nutcrackers to the famous Ballet, The Nutcracker, as well as Tchaikovsky’s music. Though I know that it has a movable jaw, I never thought that it was made in such a way to crack open nuts! According to the German folklore, these wooden dolls can bring good luck. They are mainly used as decorations during Christmas.


    Nutcracker Tower


    3. Snow globes could be first used as paperweights

    No one really knows who started the idea of creating snow globes even though Erwin Perzy’s grandson claimed that his grandfather first started making Snow globes in Vienna since 1900. However, snow globes have already appeared before 1900. Some thought that it was made as paper weights. But today, we probably wouldn’t want to snow globes as paperweights as it is such a beautiful and fragile item. It can be rather expensive to buy one too. A cheaper and eco-friendly alternative is to make them your own using recycled glass jars, some ornaments, glitter, glue and glycerin.


    If you are heading to Christmas Wonderland, don’t forget to drop by Flower Dome to check out the new floral display, ‘Merry Medley’ where you get to see lovely Christmas blooms and majestic Christmas trees that eludes evergreen scent.

    Merry Medley Floral Display
    11 November 2016 – 5 January 2017
    9 am to 9 pm

    Also, if you have purchased your tickets to Christmas Wonderland, you can enjoy $4 off local admission rate for Double Conservatories at Gardens by The Bay. Simply present your Christmas Wonderland ticket at Gardens by the Bay ticketing counters to enjoy the offer. Offer is valid from 11 November 2016 to 5 January 2017.

    For more ticketing information, visit Gardens by the Bay website.

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