
    5 Hai Di Lao Secret Cheat Codes to get Free Snacks, Magic Wand and More

    Hai Di Lao Secret Cheat Codes

    I first got to know about the Hai Di Lao Cheat Code on TikTok where an influencer managed to get a free Sailormoon kind of magic wand when her friend said ‘我的小仙女’ ( Wo shi xiao xian nu) or ‘I am a fairy’ in English. The video went viral and many others started trying this cheat code in order to get a toy wand. And who knew that there were actually other secret codes too? I did a quick research online and discovered that there were other secrets codes shared on popular Chinese social media, Little Red Book and TikTok. Some Singaporeans tried the codes and they actually worked!

    1. Get a free magic wand when you say ‘我的小仙女’

    Say我的小仙女 (wo shi xiao xian nu) which means ‘I am a fairy!’ to the staff serving you to receive your free magic wand. The staff will probably acknowledged what you say by saying ‘Oh…understood’ in Chinese. You will be presented with either a pastel pink or blue magic wand.

    2. Get free snacks when you say ‘你家零食好好吃呀’

    Say 你家零食好好吃呀 (Ni jia de ling shi hao hao chi ya). It literally means your snacks are really delicious. And their staff will come back with a bag full of snacks for you to bring home. It is tried and tasted by some Singaporeans who posted them receiving a bundle of snacks on TikTok.

    3. Get a free birthday cake when you say ‘我朋友今天生日’

    Every frequent Hai Di Lao customer would haven’t probably already know about this. Hai Di Lao is quite big on birthday celebrations and they will usually go all out to make your birthday celebration a really memorable and unforgettable one. Just say ‘我朋友今天生日’ (Wo peng you jin tian sheng re) and it is translated as ‘it is my friend’s birthday today’. Their staff would gladly bring out a cake for you to celebrate with your family and friends.

    4. Get free toys when you say ‘你看我像小朋友吗?’

    Receive cute little toys when you say ‘你看我像小朋友吗’ (Ni kan wo xiang xiao peng you ma?). It can be translated as ‘do you think I look like a child?’. Instead of answering your question, the staff will return back with some toys for you to take home.

    5. Get free hotpot soup base when you say ‘你家的汤底好好喝呀!’

    When you say ‘你家的汤底好好喝呀’ (Ni jia de dang di hao hao he ya), it means to say that Hai Di Lao’s hotpot soup base is really delicious to drink. Their staff will return with a bag full of their hotpot soup packs for you to bring home.

    There are other Hai Di Lao secret codes but so far, th aforementioned codes are the ones that have been tried and tested in Singapore. Do you know more of such codes? Let me know in the comment box below!

    Saying these codes do not make you a cheapskate.

    For Hai Di Lao to be offering such a perk for customers is indeed a good marketing strategy to retain its customer base. Wouldn’t you want to make a trip down to Hai Di Lao now and give these codes a try? And who wouldn’t leave the hotpot restaurant feeling happy with the bag of freebies? They sure know how to please their customers, ensuring everyone leaves the restaurant with a smile. I guess it has always been part of their company philosophy and culture to keep customers satisfied by providing top-notch customer service and perks to keep the customers really happy.

    In addition, it is a really fun thing to do with your group of friends. I mean, saying these secret codes also take some guts right? Just take it as a challenge.

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