
    OWNDAYS: Eco-friendly Glasses


    I knew I had to change my prescribed glasses for the longest time ever but I procrastinated. My optical degree has changed over the years but I didn’t want to purchase a new one too quickly as I didn’t really like to wear glasses. In additional, making a prescribed glasses is expensive especially if your degree is rather high like mine. But the day came when I decided to just walk in one of the OWNDAYS outlets and I was curious to find out why this Japanese Optical shop which continues to spring up in almost every corner in Singapore.


    As I was browsing, I saw something which lit my eyes…


    WHAT? Eco-friendly glasses at OWNDAYS?

    These glasses just called out to me as I started trying them on. They were super lightweight and comfortable to wear. So, how eco-friendly these glasses are? The production methods of these glasses  (called ECO2XY) release lower carbon emissions. Purchasing such eco-friendly products is a way to lower your carbon footprints. Their resin frames are also designed in such a way that the metal component of the glasses is not in contact with your skin, making it safe for people which are allergic to metals. Most importantly, I felt that the frame itself has a minimalistic and clean design which can suit every occasions and outfit.

    Another attractive factor for me was their simple retail pricing system. The prices are really affordable and there were no hidden or extra costs involve. The prices indicated on the product itself is all fixed; regardless of the degree of your lenses. This pair of ECO2XY glasses costs me only $138 nett and it comes with a spectacle casing and cloth.

    One thing to note is that the ECO2XY glasses are non-adjustable so the dimensions of the optical frame might not fit everyone. Thankfully, it fits me perfectly. And I waited for about 2 weeks or so before OWNDAYS dropped me an SMS to collect the glasses at my preferred outlet.


    These glasses are so lightweight that it might just go out of shape under heavy weights so I have to make sure that these glasses are well-kept and stored in a case when not in used. And I have not started wearing them yet as I am still recovering from conjunctivitis but once my eyes have fully recovered, I am going to put these eco-glasses on!


    My light brown ECO2XY glasses is a combination of classic and fashionable Boston with the keyhole bridge on the front.


    The eye check done at OWNDAYS is also way thorough than other eye checks I’ve gone through at other optical shops. Comfort is the key thing here at OWNDAYS and they will keep asking you to see if you feel comfortable looking through the newly prescribed lenses. They even asked me if I am just comfortable with a clear vision or a sharper vision which allows me to see clearly from a further distance. To me, I just needed a clear vision so that I don’t have to strain my eyes. I do not need a vision of an eagle to put it exactly so the optician helped me to lower the degree of the lenses slightly. Usually, the optician is the one who would determine the degree of your lenses but this time, you have a say in things. A different approach but it’s definitely more favourable.


    They also offered customers a discount coupon which they could use on their second visit at OWNDAYS. I hope I don’t have to change my pair of glasses that often but I would definitely purchase glasses over there again!

    Where do you usually get your glasses or contact lenses made? Let me know in the comment box below!

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