
    Super Decadent Vegan Chocolate Smoothie Recipe

    Who says that you can’t enjoy chocolate while eating clean, vegan or raw? Well, the good news is – you could! This super decadent vegan chocolate smoothie is sure to blow your mind because it’s ultra creamy and rich with the addition of avocados. Some people shudder at the thought of consuming avocados because of its high fat content but considering the fact that it’s a source of healthy fat provided by the earth, you could enjoy this fruit without guilt. But that’s not to say that you can chomp down 4 to 5 avocados at one go! Even healthy food should be consume in moderation.

    Besides, avocados doesn’t just contain healthy fats. It is also high in fiber, carotenoid antioxidants (lycopene and beta-carotene), vitamin K and copper. It’s a green fruit that doesn’t has much taste to it and because it’s so rich and creamy, it can be used as a substitute for oil, butter and cream. I find that the avocado is one of the most versatile healthy and natural ingredient on earth!

    Super Decadent Vegan Chocolate Smoothie Recipe

    Serving : 1
    Preparation: 3 min
    1 Tablespoon of Cocoa powder
    200ml of Coconut water
    100 ml of Hazelnut Milk
    1/2 Avocado
    1 tablespoon of Agave Nectar
    A pinch of Cinnamon

    Toss everything into the blender and blend it up for about 1 minute to froth up the avocado, giving the overall smoothie that thick and creamy consistency. For a raw vegan version, you might want to use raw cocoa powder/carob powder instead of cocoa powder which is derived from roasted cocoa beans. In fact, raw cocoa powder has more nutritional value than roasted cocoa powder as it contains higher amounts of antioxidants and dietary fibre. But raw cocoa powder don’t come cheap! Perhaps I should try out this recipe with raw cocoa.

    I’ve concocted several other different versions of chocolate smoothies and I find this version to be one of the best! There are 3 key ingredients which you shouldn’t miss out – avocados, coconut water and cocoa powder. It is the coconut water that brings out the nutty flavour of cocoa and avocados makes the smoothie so smooth, creamy and decadent. Not to forget, the cocoa powder that stirs up the happy hormone in you.

    This chocolate smoothie left me smiling all day. 

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