Hotel Jen Welcomes Their New Robotic Colleagues – Jena and Jeno

Hotel Jen Tanglin Singapore
Photo credit: Hotel Jen Tanglin Singapore


No, this isn’t fiction. We are living in exciting times where Star Wars might actually be the true projection of our future. But are we ready to embrace artificial intelligence?

Hotels like Hotel Jen Tanglin and Hotel Jen Orchard Gateway have already adopted the autonomous Relay robots named Jena and Jeno. This marks the first international hotel brand to use such robots in Asia. Both Jena and Jeno looked like their counterpart R2-D2 from the Star Wars movies. They are both friendly, approachable and highly efficient.

1 Jena - HJTS - Parked at Lobby
Photo credit: Hotel Jen Tanglin Singapore

Jena will be stationed at Hotel Jen Tanglin’s lobby 24/7 while Jeno will be at Hotel Jen Orchard Gateway. Both robots would be easily recognised by their bright uniforms which comes in shades of the brand colours – turquoise and pink. The robots are also affixed with the signature bicycle that evokes a sense of travel.

7 Jeno - HJOG - Parked at Lobby
Photo credit: Hotel Jen Orchard Gateway Singapore

These two indoor-delivery Relay robots are designed and built by Savioke, a company that develops and deploys autonomous delivery robots that work in human environments to improve people’s lives. The relay is the first fully-autonomous delivery robot that has been deployed in over 70 dynamic busy environments such as logistics, hotels, office buildings, and high rise apartments.

What exactly can Jena and Jena do?

Both stand at almost one metre tall and comes with the ability to move unmanned around the hotel at a safe speed of 2.5 km/h (which is able half of the average human walking speed). Using advanced technology to navigate around people and objects, Relay delivers items efficiently and safely. They can also take the elevators, make phone calls to rooms upon arrival, and are equipped with sensitive sensors that know to avoid obstacles in its path. How intelligent!

8 Jeno - HJOG - Amenities Delivery
Photo credit: Hotel Jen Tanglin Singapore

Jeno and Jena are both integrated with a software system that can easily track their to-do list once an order or request is placed. Need an extra towel or bottle of water? You can expect one of the pair to have these delivered within 15 minutes from the time of your request. This is especially helpful during peak periods where the hotel staff might be occupied. With Jeno or Jena, your requested item would be delivered right to your doorstep.  Just wait for the lid to be open in order to retrieve your item. How cool is that?

Your midnight hunger pangs can be eased from Hotel Jen’s supper menu featuring local flavours from midnight to 6 am. These friendly and reliable robots would be there to serve at any time of the day.

Two Hotel Jen Properties in Singapore launch Relay Robots -2-2
Photo credit: Hotel Jen Tanglin Singapore

Times are indeed exciting. I wouldn’t mind adopting a robot at home to help me with some chores and housework. In the long run, these robots are innovative solutions in our current society where manpower is an issue in the service industry. I would think that this is a more sustainable practice than having to employ more people to do such manual tasks.

You could catch a glimpse of these relay Robots at the hotel lobbies of Hotel Jen Tanglin and Orchard Gateway. Be nice to them!