
    Fuel your ideas

    Quote of the day : ” Don’t expect students to do summaries anymore. Welcome to the twitter age. Encourage your students to tweet a sticky phrase.”- Deenise Here is what I would tweet about : In two hours, I learn two valuable lessons about how to make your brain shake. Ideas Generation Workshop organised by…

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    A “SAS-sy” workplace

    This week, Professor David had managed to keep our mouths wide opened during lessons when he showed us a video on how Google treats its co-workers. Everybody’s Dream Company It showed us how Google’s offices were transformed into work playgrounds with almost everything under one roof. However, this year, Google has been overtaken by SAS…

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    Oh, the Places You’ll Go!

    Congratulations! Today is your day.You’re off to Great Places!You’re off and away! You have brains in your head.You have feet in your shoes.You can steer yourself any direction you choose.You’re on your own.And you know what you know.And YOU are the guy who’ll decide where to go. – Dr.Seuss’s Oh, the Places You’ll Go! Who…

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    The Pearl of Shanghai

    Shanghai: Even as the night falls into darkness, the flame of the candle still glows brightly against the backdrop. Only such beauty can capture its own reflection. His painting was part of nature and nature was a part of him. It becomes a masterpiece when you can’t tell where his brush strokes end. Korea Pavilion…

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