
    Set the Fats on Fire

    Over the past couple of weeks, I was given another blogging assignment to do a product review for Bioessence’s newly launch products.

    Bioessence Celebrity Choice : InchLoss Showers scrub
    Bioessence Celebrity Choice : InchLoss Body Cream (Extra Strength)

    Don’t be fooled into believing that these products would help you to completely get rid of your unwanted fats and cellulite.This is because the battle with cellulite and unwanted fats is a tough and enduring one. These products are Slimming-aid products which help the body to achieve a temporary slimming effect. The ingredients such as capsicum,ginger, pineapple essence and caffeine to aid in the burning of fats and the firming of the skin. A more effective way of shedding of the loose fats from your body is to use such slimming products in addition to regular exercise and maintaining a healthy diet. That’s how this Fat Zapper works. To simply put, the InchLoss Body Cream works more like a fat burning catalyst then a fat-burner. But how effective is this Fat Zapper?

    The InchLoss trial kit arrived about a couple of weeks ago and they were packaged in small sample sizes. I was really surprise how “tiny” these tubes are. I figured that I would probably need to ration the cream and shower scrub over 7 to 8 days and to write an informative product review about it?

     Bioessence InchLoss Shower scrub

    The pink gel-like fluid squirted out of the tube contains tiny beads which are used in the exfoliation of the skin. The plus point of this shower scrub is that is smelled surprising pleasant which makes your showering or bath experience a more enjoyable one. However, the beads are tiny and I felt that it does not perform the derma- abrasion effect on body skin (which is slightly thicker than our facial skin). A better substitute for a fat zapper body scrub is grounded coffee powder which also helps in reducing the appearance of cellulite and at the same time, exfoliating the skin.

    Bioessence InchLoss Body Cream (Extra Strength)

    This cranberry-rich scented cream is HOT. A few minutes after application, you will start to feel a surge of heat running through your flesh.(This depends on the amount of cream you used in each application.) The body cream should be rubbed in circular motion during each application in order to stimulate the breaking down of fats and for faster absorption of the cream into the skin. Psychologically, the heating sensation would have place many into believing that their fats are on fire. But, are the fats really melting away?

    After 3 days of using the fat burning cream…

    I was so skeptical about such slimming products but after using this product, I’ve decided that I should not be too skeptical about things until I tried it. I rub this cream religiously everyday on the cellulite-heavy regions and was surprise by how this cream can help to tone and firm up the thighs and reduce the appearance of cellulite.  However, this cream was used in conjunction with exercise and a healhty meal diet plan. Cellulite is women’s top enemy which takes some time and patience to fight against it.( Recently, I did some research on getting rid of cellulites and will be blogging about it soon. Stay tuned.)

    Does it work for you? Why not try it for yourself? Hop down to Watsons or click on the link below to redeem a free sample of the Fat Zapper.

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