
    Green Products by method : Americana Collection (Limited Edition)


    I am excited to be introducing another green product made by a green company, method, that creates eco-friendly cleaning products that saves the earth and works way more effective than a bottle of sodium hypochlorite. These vibrant-designed bottles adds a nice pop of colour in your bathrooms too. I am pretty sure you would be enticed to stay clean more with these great-smelling products.
    They have recently launch their Limited Edition Americana Collection in Desert Lily which consisted of the body wash, foaming hand wash and gel hand wash. This collection is inspired by America’s diverse landscape—coastal redwood, southern peach and desert lily. The scent, which is made using a mixture of essential oils and synthetic ingredients, is slightly sharp which really helps to invigorate your senses but it has a mild sweet undertone to calm the senses.  
    One stunning fact about the product is their biodegradable formulas which are free of dirty ingredients like parabens, phthalates, triclosan, EDTA or animal by-products. These dirty ingredients are so-called ‘dirty’ because it contaminates the environment and causes harm to both the earth and us humans. Ito try their cleaning agent products like detergents and other home cleaning products. 
    Method also uses recyclable bottles made with 100% recycled plastic (PCR) which is a great green initiative here to be supported of. Wouldn’t it be great if one day companies could all come together and operate by such green initiatives that promotes sustainability? We would not only save the earth but also become more caring and mindful about ourselves, others and our surroundings. I envisioned it to be a kinder world filled with peace-loving people.
    I personally enjoy using the body wash a lot as its fragrance is really uplifting and it is gentle on the skin. The ingredients are stated clearly on their website with some information about the source of each ingredient and it is good for us consumers to know roughly how each chemical in the bottle would impact our health and body. These people against dirty are coming clean with us, as well. What’s in it? They’ve got nothing to hide.
    Limited Edition Americana Collection: 
    Body Wash (532ml) – $9.95 
    Foaming Hand Wash (300ml) – $6.95
    Gel Hand Wash (354ml) – $5.95

    Method’s Limited Edition Americana products are available at the following retail outlets:
    Cold Storage (Selected products only), Isetan Singapore and Meidi-Ya Singapore

    Stay green and clean.


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