I went on a trip with my NUS course mates to Bintan for a short trip. It was really fun getting to know them as we were working in a team for one of our coursework. I believed we spend a short weekend over at Nirvana Resort in Bintan. And I happen to bring along my favourite Monkey soft-toy called ‘Mr. Glitzie’. I thought that he might be the best tour guide for this trip so… enjoy!
On the Ferry to Bintan Island

Travelling on buses

We’ve reached! We’ve reached the beach!

Say hi to our receptionist at Nirvana Resort Hotel

This is the monkey hut.

This is our room. I shared room with my female friend while the other two guys bunk into another bungalow next to ours.
Looking for his friends

Let’s say hi to the boys next door!
Oh no, I guess I have to tour this island all by myself.

It turns out that the both of them started to take a long nap in the room! They were not even changed. BOYS will always be boys!
Selamat Datang!

We have a private beach to ourselves in this resort. The sea, the sand and the sky… are all so beautiful and wonderfully made!
Mr.Glitzie dreamt of doing wind surfing for a very long time!

Enjoying a cup of Teh Tarik!

That’s all for now. See you again!