
    Singapore Blog Awards: E-interview Questions- It ain’t EASY after all…

    E-Interview questions

    ( E for Easy?)


    1. How do you feel about being one of finalists in Singapore Blog Awards 2012?

    ( Pleasant surprise and so happy that my head almost went through the roofttop!)

    Honoured and fortunate. How often do you get selected for an award? This is my second time Singapore Blog Awards ( SBA ) and still felt really honoured and elated that my blogging and v-logging efforts were being recognised by others.

    I joined Singapore Blog Awards last year and was selected to be the finalist for the Y-bloggist category and this year, once again, I was chosen to be a finalist, not of the same category, but of a different one. Nevetheless, I still felt really thankful that my blog drew the attention of the judges for this awards.

    1. When did you start blogging and what drew you to it? Where do you get inspiration for your blog content? 

    ( Started blogging not too long ago. The love for writing drew me into this! My biggest inspiration for blogging is God.)

    I created this blog in January 2010 for a communications module I took at NUS. Our lecturer gave us blogging assignments where we blogged and share our thoughts about certain topics pertaining to effective communications in our society. From then on, I got hooked on to this platform of social media where I express myself through words and bring across ideas to others.

    In addition, I had also decided to venture into making YouTube videos of myself singing and playing instruments such as the guitar and ukulele. I love singing and performing on stage but I did not like taking part in Singing competitions to gain fame or recognition. I don’t need to be a popstar in order to get myself heard. So, why not YouTube? Especially when YouTubers like Michelle Phan and David Choi could make videos out of what they truly love. Why can’t I? 

    I love blogging and love the fact that I’m able to write what’s on my mind. It’s one of thoe activities which allows my mind to flow freely and naturally.

    2. How do you feel about the other Finalists in your category this year? How do you think you will fare compared to them? 

    ( Other finalists are so strong and powerful. I’m like peanuts to them!)

    Other finalists? They are totally cool! I’m dying to meet of some them actually. Maybe I will bump into them during the awards…

    Honestly, I thought that my blogs and my YouTube channel are really nothing compared to some of finalists who made great entertaining funny videos that will probably win the hearts of the people. However, my YouTube channel was more of a music channel where I post videos of myself singing or with other people who enjoy making music too. I don’t think I could compare with them in any way since the genre of our videos were very different and especially when I’m the only finalist who does singing videos. It may be a total ball game altogether but I still wish the other finalist all the best for SBA 2012!

    3. Give a reason why readers should visit your blog and vote for you?

    ( This is a one-in-a-zillion blog. So visit or you’ll regret! Vote for me and I will sing you a song.)

    Visit my blog and YouTube channel because it will take you to places where you’ve never ventured before. My blog will tell you how beautiful and amazing life is. My YouTube channel will tell you that music and love is the greatest gift of all.

    No, don’t vote for me. Simply vote for the blogger and vlogger who sits under the frangipani tree and sings a happy song.


    Vote for me and I will sing a song on your wedding day!

    (Glitz – Deenise Yang

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