I spotted some greenish yellow round fruits on the kitchen table and I thought, ‘what could this be?’ So I sliced it into half and was pleasantly surprise to see dark seeds coated with a layer of jelly substance… my goodness! It’s passion fruit! I haven’t eaten this crazily sourish yet fragrant fruit for the longest time ever!
It just so happen that I had some mangos at home so I thought maybe I could whipped up a tropical smoothie. That is how my inspiration for smoothies comes about. I source for ingredients in the kitchen and make do with whatever I’ve got. Sometimes, it turned out to be a failure where it tasted really awful and I had to toss it into the bin or force myself to swallow up the mess. And each time I fail, I learnt from my mistakes and I got better at mixing and combining ingredients to make the best possible dish or beverage.
But for golden moments like these where I had exactly what I need in the kitchen, my creation turns out to be a success. This mango passion fruit with acai berry is one of my smoothie creation that I’m truly proud of.
Non-vegan option: Add a splash of greek yoghurt!