
    Vegan Veggie and Mushroom Brown Rice Sushi Roll


    Yes, I know this is what you all have been waiting for! The ultimate vegan sushi roll recipe! I am a sushi lover and have been making sushis for the past several years of my life. Making sushi roll is one of the cookery skill I am good at besides making smoothies.

    It’s both vegetarian and vegan-friendly.

    Here are the ingredients that you will need:
    Serving : 4 to 5
    Preparation time: 45 mins

    Sushi rice

    Multi-grain brown rice mix (350 grams)
    Rice vinegar (1/4 cup)
    Pure maple syrup (3 tablespoons)

    Sushi Fillings

    Nori seaweed sheets
    Red cabbage
    Shiitake mushroms
    Japanese cucumber

    Sushi sauce

    Sesame seed oil
    Rice vinegar
    Black pepper


    I bought this fine multi-grains by Green Max from the organic section in NTUC Xtra at JEM. It’s a mixture of the following grains: Pearl Barley, Rice, Kaoliang Rice, Barley, Fox Nut, Wheat and Oatmeal. It took me about 20 minutes to cook these multi-grains in the rice cooker.


    Leave the rice to cool for about 20 minutes to allow all the moisture on the rice to evaporate and to cool. While allowing the rice to cool, you can start to prepare the sushi fillings and sauce. Take this precious 20 minutes to slice the vegetables! Cooking isn’t really time-consuming. It’s all about knowing how to work efficiently in the kitchen.

    Once the rice has been cooled to room temperature, then add the rice vinegar into the rice and mix well.


    I cut the carrot into long and thin shreds using my Julienne slicer. It’s a pretty useful tool to peel any vegetable skins or to slice vegetables into long, thin and flat strips.

    Slice the cucumber into thin strips as well.

    Steam the mushrooms in the steamer for about 8 to 10 minutes and cut it into smaller slices. ( You can also choose to boil the mushrooms as well.)

    Meanwhile, you could move on to prepare the sushi sauce by blending the avocado, sesame seed oil, rice vinegar and black pepper. This sauce will be use as a paste-like sauce to gel all the sushi ingredients together as well as to add taste to the sushi. You can add a little wasabi for some kick as well.

    Once the rice has been cooled and mixed with vinegar, spread the rice on the nori seaweed sheet. Then add the rest of the sushi fillings onto the rest and roll it up using a bamboo mat. You can also roll a sushi without using a bamboo mat too but that would require a pair of sturdy hands.


    Finally, to enjoy the sushi, you can dip it in a little soy sauce or any savoury vegan salad dressings.

    These sushis are good enough to delight any non-vegetarians too!


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