Luxe Scalp Specialist: My Unexpected Hair Problem – Flaky Scalp and Dandruff

I never really paid special attention to my hair until I started noticing that my hair thins out at one spot and my ends are always frizzy and dry. There must be a root cause to these problems and I was glad to be at Luxe Scalp specialist to find out more.

Lo and behold, the close up scan of my hair follicles and scalp tells no lies. I have a rather flaky scalp with pores that were clogged with dead skin cells. The clogged pores results in dandruff which is why I often noticed my scalp would appear itchy and flakes sometimes. It’s so not attractive that my scalp rains snowflakes!

After the hair analysis with the hair therapist, I was convinced that I would need to pay more attention to my hair, in particular my scalp as well as the hair products I’ve been using.


Once these pores are clogged, the pore opening will be reduced and this results in hair thinning as it prevents the hair follicles from emerging. Hair strands might appear thinner too. I guess this is the onset of hair loss and it would have to address soon before my crown goes bald! All these hair problems could be a result of stress, hormonal imbalance or the change of hair products. It could also be due to dry scalp that lacks the protective oil film that leaves the scalp vulnerable to irritations. I’m totally not surprise if work stress is the cause of my flaky scalp and also the recent change of hair products to natural and organic ones.


Now with that better understanding of my hair condition, I couldn’t wait to see how their hair scalp treatment could help reverse my condition and aid in my pursuit of regaining healthy hair and scalp. The series of treatments that followed could be rather exhaustive but thorough and it is necessary in order to cleanse the scalp which free the pores on the scalp from developing more clogs.


My customized treatment started with a high frequency hair treatment to treat my dandruff problem. The machines eliminates toxins and bacteria, promotes blood circulation and encourage hair growth. It was nevertheless painless and all you could feel is a slight tingling sensation at the scalp but there wasn’t any discomfort.


Then, my hair was combed with a 2 big brushes and boy, it feels good! It’s like a scalp massage that promotes blood circulation. It’s like a wake up call for your scalp as it awakens the senses and the many other pressure points at the head region.

I was told that the hair treatment would last for about 2 to 3 hours so I had to think of ways to kill time. But killing time was made so much easier with these iPads which were provided by the salon. You could read online articles, watch YouTube videos or stalk others on social media websites. I could easily get myself occupied with the internet, really.


Next, they applied ginger wine, lemongrass essential oil and finally a herbal hair mask that smells like dark chocolate to me. Their herbal hair mask is a concoction of Chinese and Aryuvedic herbs that restores and nourishes the hair naturally. I like the fact that they formulate their own hair treatment products using natural herbs instead of harsh artificial chemicals. It might take a longer time to witness the benefits of using natural ingredients but the effects are long-term and healthier for your hair.

The hair mask treatment is followed by a scalp massage that only stimulate blood circulation of your scalp but also helps you to relax and de-stress which in turns promote an overall wellness to your state-of-being.


It ends off on a sweet red note with infra-red heat therapy to enhance the absorption of the herbal products used, sealing up all the nutrients into each hair strand. I was told that my hair would smell of herbs for a few days but I wasn’t too bother by it as the smell wasn’t unpleasant. I would cry if my hair smells of ammonia for days.


A post-hair analysis follows right after the 2 and half hour long treatment. It was such a relief to see a clean scalp with the pores unclogged.

The scalp also looks less dry but the pores are still rather small and I was advised to go for more treatments to treat my scalp problem so that I could have a luscious healthy-looking hair and scalp. Such treatments can be pricey, however, but they look promising and effective.

As for now, I am going to rely on the double-shampoo method to cleanse my scalp deeply with the organic, natural and sulphate-free shampoo I’m using. Remember, it is good to keep your scalp in check once in a while.

Cheers to a healthy scalp!

Luxe Scalp Specialist
133 New Bridge Road
02-28 Chinatown Point
Singapore 059413
(Beside link bridge to Hong Lim Complex)
Tel: 6702 0777

One thought on “Luxe Scalp Specialist: My Unexpected Hair Problem – Flaky Scalp and Dandruff

  1. Hi Deenise Glitz, this information helps me a lot to get rid of flaky scalp problem and I have been very thankful to you for providing this solution. Keep updating thankyou.

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