Infuusa : Cold-Brewed Infusion Tea – Quad Berry and Summer Peach


Drinking tea is one of the ways to hydrate yourself with fluids. More than often, I found myself not drinking enough water to replenish the fluids loss in my body. As a result, there was a myriad of problems that surfaced. Water retention and acne! Water is the blood of life.

But if water is too plain for your palate, then jazz it up with the addition of natural flavours. I like to squeeze some lemon juice into a glass of warm water. There’s so much benefits to lemon water which provides a dose of Vitamin C to your daily vitamin intake and speed up metabolism which aids in weight loss.

My other favourite way is to toss a tea bag in hot water and allow the flavours from the tea leaves to sink in. I like to add slices of ginger to make the tea to taste a little spicy and refreshing. And when I prefer a cold beverage, I would turn to Infuusa – a cold-brewed infusion tea that uses a concoction of natural ingredients to make cool refreshing teas that are great for summer.

Currently, I am trying out Infuusa’s new flavours – Quad Berry and Summer Peach which can get rather addictive! Quad Berry tasted like sweet berry tea and summer Peach tasted like those packet peach tea except that it contains no sugar and is more beneficial for health. What I like best about these cold-brewed teas is that fact that you can enjoy a cup of tea anytime, anywhere without hot water. It didn’t take too long for the flavours to get infused into the water too. Only real fruits, berries and tea leaves are found in these tea sachets. The teas ate naturally sweetened with stevia leaves.

What more could I ask for? I’d say skip the canned and packet drinks which contain processed sugar and opt for such naturally-brewed tea which are contains anti-oxidants and vitamins.

Give it a try and you will know what I mean.

Exclusive discounts for you lovely readers : Get $5 off storewide at Infuusa today by clicking this link: Don’t miss this opportunity to try this healthy delicious tea!