
    Interview Someone You Love

    When I first got to know about Brendon Burchard through one of his inspirational videos posted on YouTube, I came across this video which mention about interviewing the person you loved most before you never really get to see them again. I’ve always dreamt of interviewing famous gorgeous people who are already under the limelight but I’ve never thought of interviewing ordinary people whom I loved the most. They, too, would be leaving a legacy in this world. If you think about it, they should be the most important people in your life, not Britney Spears, Bill Gates or Lee Kuan Yew. I was intrigued by this unique perspective of Brendon and decides to embark on this little project of mine to conduct interviews with the people I love most. It’s the first day of 2015 and I want to start the ball rolling by doing an interview with myself. 

    Below are the 20 questions extracted from Life Interview Guide by Brendon Burchard.


    Questions by Brendon Burchard, author of Life’s Golden Ticket 

    1. What comes to mind when you think about growing up in Singapore?

    Playing catching in HDB playgrounds with other kids.

    2. What did you love to do as a kid, before high school?

    I love to read Sweet Valley High and Babysister books.

    Not forgetting those hide-and-seek and hand song games.

    3. What did you love to do in high school?

    I love to sing. I was part of my high school choir and I took part as a soloist in singing competition.

    4. What do remember most about your teenage years?

    I remembered the times I hang out of school with my classmates and the crazy things we joke and laugh over. I also remember how passionate I was in singing.

    5. What do you remember most about your mom ?

    My mom was vey capable as she seems to be skilful in many areas.

    6. What do you remember most about your dad ?

    My dad is a self-taught handicrafts man who is great at fixing and mending things with his bag of tools.

    7. What was most important to him?

    His own health.

    8. How did you choose your career and what was your favorite part about it?

    I enjoy interacting with children and love imparting knowledge to others.

    9. What made you successful at work? 

    When I manage to make an impact in their lives.

    10. What did you believe about yourself that helped you become successful and deal with hard times? 

    I believe in the impossible.

    11. What times in your life truly “tested your mettle,” and what did you learn about yourself by dealing (or not dealing) with them? 

    Time heals and I am strong.

    12. What three events most shaped your life? 

    My high school singing competition, Meeting my first love and blogging.

    13. What were the three best decisions you’ve ever made? 

    Taking up foreign language courses
    Travelling to Europe on my own for the first time
    Continue to blog

    14. What are you most proud of in life?

    Proud of how I am able to trust my own instincts

    15. What are you most thankful for?

    No missing limbs.
    Healthy, safe and alive till today.

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