Foodpanda: Home Delivery from Brinda’s – Indian Vegetarian Food Affair

Bummer! It’s CNY and my folks were travelling, leaving us bunch of home alone grown-up kids at home. No reunion dinner, no visiting and for once, I am totally not in this festive mood of exchanging words of blessings, dressing up and receiving Ang Pows. But life isn’t exactly that bad when you view it differently from another perspective.
Not in a festive mood but definitely, it’s a good holiday for me to indulge especially after we’ve all worked hard charging like a bull in the month of January. I treat it as a good time to catch up with my siblings and to have our so-called mini reunion dinner, I decided that I should call for a home delivery. And of course, something homecooked, local and vegetarian.
Pizza Hut? KFC? Nah. I’m probably sick of pizza and fast food deliveries. A one-stop home food delivery portal like Foodpanda would be good for picky-eaters like me who prefer a variety so that I can compare and select the best out of all the eateries.
So I entered Foodpanda website, typed in my postal code … and the site churned out a list of places I could order from. From western, Japanese to Vietnamese food… you name it all – their restaurant and eatery selection has expanded quite alot over the past one year. They even have cafe and coffeeshop eateries to work with them… Great! That means I don’t have to travel all the way to that famous eatery just to get something cheap and good.
After browsing through excitedly over the list of eateries, I settled for Brinda’s since I felt like I needed some hot spicy Indian curry to spice up my mood for CNY. It’s vegetarian-friendly too and they had this whole selection of food for veggie-eaters like myself! Even thought I am the only vegetarian eater in my family, I know my siblings would love the spicy vegetable curry and breads that tasted so yummy. You know, I feel that you could never go wrong with Indian food because it always had alot of spices in it and it just taste so good.
Another reason for selecting Brinda’s was their good reviews which was contributed by other Food Panda users. Also, their prices are very affordable as compared to the other Indian eateries. The only problem I face was the ordering of dishes from their online menu which doesn’t provide any photos or description of the dishes stated so I had to do abit of googling to find out more about the dishes. In the midst of doing so, I guessed I’ve learnt quite abit about the Indian food culture and language.
After placing the order, I received a confirmation email and sms from Foodpanda stating that the delivery will come in about 90 minutes. But the delivery actually took about 120 minutes but I have got no qualms about that since it actually stated that it will take around 2 hours on the Brinda’s webpage. Maybe they had a hard time finding where my unit is…
Okay, maybe I over ordered. I wanted to order for 3 to 5 people but the portion sizes were larger than expected. This meal is fit for 10 people I swear. I even ordered a vegetarian briyani and another curry which can’t be fit into this picture. This is what I call – FOOD COMA.
The food was still warm and I didn’t really need to microwave it. It looks like it is freshly prepared and even the Indian bread I ordered still has that slight crisp. Well done, Brinda’s!
However, the curries albeit delicious is rather too oily for me who hardly eat curries and gravies. My daily diet is rather clean and I eat mainly salads and fruits so it was a little uneasy for me to stomach everything but my meat-eater siblings love the curries. I still had some leftover when my folks were back home and they enjoyed the Indian food too though it wasn’t as fresh. It still tasted as good.
Despite some of the reviews written for Brinda’s regarding about their portion size, I find that the portions were just right. It’s was too much or too little. And the ingredients they used were quite generous too.
Okay, I think I had enough of Indian food and probably not going to it for any 6 months.
Overall, it was a great meal with my siblings as we chatted over spicy hot Indian food. I like the fact that we can enjoy this local food affair right at the comfort of our homes, without having to head down to the Indian eatery to order, wait and ‘chope’ for places to sit. But I do hope that Foodpanda will work with more freshfood eateries like salad bars and cafes so that I can have my own salad  feast at home.
And if you are lazy to cook and lazy to run out to look for food, that’s even better. Ask Foodpanda to do that job for you. He wouldn’t mind a single bit.


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