Over the Chinese New Year week, things have evolved so quickly that I myself could not really keep up with all the live updates of the Wuhan coronavirus which has instilled much fear in many of us. The virus seems to be spreading rapidly but there are mostly contained within China itself. Amidst the fears and anxieties over this bug, is the Wuhan virus a cause for concern? Or could it get worse?
It’s not all dark and gloomy.
Every time you search for Wuhan virus update on Google, you will be inundated with a slew of negative reports – from increasing death tolls to the number of cases reported throughout the world. But I am also comforted to know that at the same time, some of the media has decided to highlight positive news in light of this dire situation.
In China, for instance, doctors and nurses are sacrificing their lives to treat infected patients. Construction workers and volunteers are working around the clock to build two hospitals in Wuhan to house the infected patients.
China’s creative approach tackling the Wuhan Virus
They also exercise creativity in dealing with this problem. In hospitals, they use robots to deliver food to infected patients instead of getting nurses to do it. To remind their citizens to wear a mask or stay at home, they sent drones to ‘speak’ and persuade them to keep themselves safe.
Back at home, there are several Singaporeans who came forward to give out free surgical masks on Carousell. There are even locals who provide free hand sanitizers for their neighbours. For those who are quarantined, the neighbours offered to help them buy groceries.
On a more positive note, it is only in times like this which reveals the true kindness and compassion in humanity. It is also a time where true heroes and heroines emerge. But that’s not to say that I advocating suffering and neither all of these nor disasters are God’s work. In my bible, God has never created a virus to infect people but has always healed the sick and strengthen the weak. The devil comes to steal, kills and destroy but Jesus came to this world to bless, save and heal.
Fear not, my little sheep
My pastor would always quote that as the world is getting darker and darker, the church will get brighter and brighter. When everything around you is going haywire, there’s always a place of refuge for us believers where we feel safe and sound, under the wings of the almighty. The prophecies in the bible are turning into reality and very soon, we know that the rapture is coming where Jesus Christ will return to this world.
Besides, there are probably so many viruses out there on this earth which God, our Father in Heaven, has protected us from. We are still under His Almighty wings and covered by feathers. We are seated with Christ on His right-hand side.

Psalm 91:9-11 New King James Version (NKJV)
9 Because you have made the Lord, who is my refuge,
Even the Most High, your dwelling place,
10 No evil shall befall you,
Nor shall any plague come near your dwelling;
11 For He shall give His angels charge over you,
To keep you in all your ways.
Whether you are a believer or not, the truth is the bible prophecies are indeed coming to pass. And there’s nothing to fear but the Lord – not even the virus. As long as you have faith in Him, the virus will not even come near you for He will send His angels to protect us.
Time and time again, I’ve heard many testimonies of people receiving the Lord’s protection because God’ hand is on them. I, myself, could have experienced the worst-case scenarios but God always sees me through the difficult times and protected me from danger.
God answers when we call out to Him.
I remembered clearly the time my fiancĂ© and I were in Bali when Mount Agung was brewing Bali. Due to the thick volcanic dust that shrouded the sky, some of the flights were cancelled. We were due to return back to Singapore the very next day after all the flights entering and leaving Bali were cancelled. We prayed for God to keep us safe. And praise the Lord, our flight back to Singapore wasn’t cancelled and we flew home safely. These are just one of the many instances where I felt God took over and protected us every time I call out His name.
You can enter the Lord’s refuge

The number of Wuhan virus-infected cases in China and Singapore is increasing daily but do not let the numbers instil fear in you. We often rely on what we see but forget about what God can do behind the scenes. Don’t forget that this virus is something we can’t see or feel and cannot be destroyed with our bare hands. This enemy can only be destroyed by God’s word. There’s power when God speaks. The Universe is held together by His word. With one word from God, the enemy will be crushed in one fell swoop.
Do not fear and be anxious. No number of masks or bottles of hand sanitizers will free us from this pandemic without the Lord’s protection. The Lord is fighting this battle for us.
If you are a believer, continue to trust, pray and ask the Lord for protection during this period of time. And if you have not received Christ, you can enter God’s kingdom today and learn more about His love for you and the world. Enter the house of God where no evil or virus can come near you or your close ones.
A prayer against the Wuhan virus
I hereby pray that the Wuhan virus will be crushed under the feet of God. It will be wiped out under God’s breath. In the name of Jesus, the virus will not propagate and will not come near us. Amen.