I’m a bread-lover. But recently I’ve been told that the gluten in the breads are damaging to our human health. We should also stay away from soyabeans and low-fat dairy products as well! As much as possible, we should consume food in its’ natural form and not in its’ processed form.
Too bad, I can’t no longer enjoy eating bread like I’ve always use to because everytime I munch on a slice of bread, I would think of the advice given to me. In addition, the carbs in bread is high and if I want to lose the flabs, I should very well make it a point to stay away from food sources which are high in carbohydrates. Before I start to turn away from eating bread, let me share a quick and healthy recipe using fresh omega-3 eggs and wholemeal pita bread which I bought from Cold Storage.
Perhaps I could switch to gluten-free bread?