Brainy Moves: How Exercise Can Reveal the Einstein in You + Giveway!


Exercising doesn’t just keeps you fit and within your targeted weight and it could, very well, boost your intelligence and brain power – if only you understood how the brain actually works and moves.  So perhaps it’s a good thing that I’ve been exercising regularly as it does keeps my mind more alert and active. But why so? I was invited to Brainy Moves for a training session under Master Trainer, James Tang to find out more. 
I wasn’t quite sure of what to expect before the training session. Would I be put through mind-boggling games to stretch my brain capacity or would I be training together with a bunch of active kids who were sent there by their eager parents to boost their intelligence? Or will I be put through to a lecture of how the brain actually ‘moves’? On the contrary, it’s not quite of that sort.  In fact, I was put through a training session that was tailored to activate those brain areas which remained dormant for a very long time and to increase my physical limits. Yes, strength training is included. It almost felt like I was undergoing a personal training session except that it’s more fun, entertaining and brain-stimulating.
There’s some science of how exercise is correlated to the brain power. In fact, research has shown that brain training is more effective than tuition. I guess kids would also prefer this form of fun training exercise to hours of tuition. Right? But like any ‘kiasu’ (afraid of losing out) parents in Singapore would do, they might sent their kids for brain training AND tuition. I am not surprise if our nation churns out batches after batches of geniuses and mini Einsteins.


Here’s the innovative ‘playground’ at Brainy Moves.


Here at Brainy Moves, they’ve got programmes catered to all ages from kids, youths to the old. Basically, at any point in your life, you still need to ‘exercise’ that brain of yours. They’ve got programs for children with special needs as well. I’ve encountered those kids with ADHD and Austism before and I could totally see how brain training could help this kids to perform better in school. The games and exercises that were part of Brainy Moves program actually help improve children’s cognitive abilities for learning as well as their attention span and concentration at work.


During the first training session, I did a total body assessment and the stats showed that I would still need to lose some flabs by increasing my muscle mass and metabolic rate. Looks like I still need to put in much more effort here to stay fit!


We did some simple cardio-toning exercises with light weights, working on the quads, biceps and triceps. It’s a like a warm-up to energize the body.

Then, comes the fun part! I never knew tossing a ball could be fun and challenging. Try tossing a ball up in the air while at the same time, clapping twice, one at the front and one at the back, before catching the ball single-handedly. It’s a little like performing an acrobatic trick but the intention of this exercise is not to train you to be part of the circus troupe. Doing a simple trick like this trains your brain to stay focus.

“Keep your eyes on the ball!”


Gosh, am I attention-deficit too? I can’t seem to catch the ball!!!


There’s a series of other such exercises that really made me think differently about what fitness encompasses and how flexible our brains are. The brain is not in its fixed stature and there’s this possibility of enhancing our brain capacity, in the name of science, to help us function more efficiently in our lives.

More core and abs training to tighten those core muscles and tone the body. Finally, a well-deserved deep stretch to loosen the muscles and melt away all the tension built up in the body.
Want an improved physique? Or just want to attain a better fitness level but sick of hitting the gyms and using the treadmill? Going for brain training and exercise sessions Brainy Moves is another cool option you could check out. It’s not just about the body, but also the brain too.

I think my brain muscles now are one size bigger.

It’s time to unleash that Einstein in you, as well.

Watch popular YouTuber Dr.JiaJia and BigBro of how they roll at Brainy Moves!

Exclusively for Deenise Glitz’s readers! 

Brainy Moves had decided to give away a group trial session (worth $50) to 3 lucky winners* each. Simply email me at with your name, I/C and contact number. 

*3 lucky winners will be selected at random. This giveaway ends on 28 September 2014.