
    TEAISM: Chocolate Strawberry Tea (Limited Edition)


    The most wonderful time of the year has to be Christmas. It’s not only a festive season where the whole town is painted red with Christmas decorations but it’s also the time of the year where we get to take our much deserved vacation where we just dine, eat merrily and let our hair down. But beware about getting overboard and greedy with the heaps of sweet and savoury Christmas treats that looks super tempting. Once you pile up that kilo, it’s really hard to lose. Go easy on these treats and make wiser decisions instead. And for this Christmas, I am gonna skip the chocolate and instead, drink TEAISM’s chocolate strawberry tea to my heart’s content.

    TEAISM chocolate strawberry tea is a beautiful concoction of black tea, pu’erh tea, strawberries, blueberries and other natural flavours. I am only glad that pu’erh tea leaves which has weight loss and other health benefits.

    You could first taste that hint of chocolate which later followed by the lingering notes of strawberries.

    Simply remove the outer plastic packaging and soak the tea wand into hot water. Stir the tea wand in hot water for about 30 seconds and it’s done! It’s so much faster than tea bags which takes a long time for the flavour and colour of the tea leaves to get infused in the water.


    To prepare a healthy teatime treat to pair with TEAISM Chocolate strawberry tea, you could dip some frozen strawberries in chocolate sauce made with raw cocoa or raw carob power mixed with some nutmilk and coconut sugar. This makes the best raw snack treat to go with the chocolate strawberry tea.


    Have a joyful and healthy Christmas, everyone!

    TEAISM Chocolate Strawberry Tea (limited edition) is now available at
    For information, visit

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