BOX Green : Healthy Snacks in A Box – Why Snacking Is Good


On the contrary, snacking is good. This is especially so if you are aiming to lose that festive weight gain you have during these festive period. Heard of many health advisories on eating 5 to 6 smaller meals a day to speed up the metabolic rate of the body which would result in faster weight loss? However, snacking for a better health depends on what you snack on. CAUTION: highly-processed foods are not included.

Prior to this, I haven’t really appreciate the art of snacking as I always thought that snacks are like mini extra calorie-ladden meals that would rack your diet plans and your body system. So I’ve been sticking to the traditional 3 meals a day but recently, I have been reading up alot on metabolic rate and detox because a recent health analysis reveals that my metabolic rate has taken a dip. So snacking from today has been my mantra. SNACK ATTACK!

Snack attack comes easily when you have a constant supply of low calorie  and low fat natural snacks piling in your kitchen. I’ve yet to stock up on raw and natural snacks yet and similarly, if you are in the similar state with me or worse ( with packets after packets of cheerios, Pringles and Lays) then help is on its way with Box Green. Box Green is a friendly bunch of people who is on a mission to promote healthy snacking. To achieve their mission, they deliver boxes of snacks to your house or office. They offer nuts, seeds and dried fruits which are mixed and packed into packets of lively joy like ‘Honey! I’m home!’ or ‘Berry Dark in Here’. The two of which happen to be my favourite snacks in Box Green.


Healthy Snacks-on-the-go
(My preferred list of vegan-friendly food to snack on)

1. Fresh fruits

2. Smoothies

3. Juices

4. Wholegrain crackers (e.g flaxseed crackers)

5. Nuts and seeds

6.  Dark chocolate

Remember to keep them real close so that it prevents you from reaching out for that tempting MARS chocolate bar.


All these snacks are carefully packed in the right proportions so that you will not over snack. Not too big, not too small. Just right to keep your intestines and stomach moving.


Here’s one good reason for you to discover better snacks because Box Green is offering you, ( Yes, you!) a 50 % discount off your first subscription box of healthy goodies.

50% Discount code:  DEENISE50%

Too good to be true?

It’s all the name of promoting health and wellness.