To be really honest, I don’t think I am asking for much when I determined to transform my body. My ideal of a slim body is one that is tone, firm and shapely. It’s not entirely skinny and lean so to speak. The kind of body I’ve always wanted is leaning more towards that athletic body type where I am finally light, flexible and tone enough to do a handstand and other challenging advance yoga poses. I’m definitely opting for a healthier body rather than a body which is defined by the fashion industry. To me, a tone and fit body is sexier than a stick-thin body.
I am firm in my tone and in what I believed in – that a combination of exercise and diet would do the trick to trim off the fats. But it’s harder than what I thought. Four times of cardio and strength exercises paired together with a vegan diet doesn’t exactly work its full magic to achieve my health goals. I thought I was just that odd one out who is stuck to this weight loss journey for years until I visited The Body Firm and I got to know others who faced the same problem as I do. Like most of them, when everything else fails, they rely on professionals to help them with their trouble spots.
“Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future.”- Deepak Chopra
From motivational quotes from movies and books and inspirational figures who vocalized their golden mantras, we all learnt how to be persistent. Being persistent is one thing but being flexible is important too. When my friend told me to quit my gym membership since I wasn’t seeing much weight loss results, I hesitated for a while. However, when I started to put everything into perspective, I thought ‘ Why didn’t I seek for other possibilities when the decision I made fails? ‘ So, when I was offered weight loss and slimming treatments from aesthetic clinics like The Body Firm, I knew the buzzer as sounded, signaling me to opt for the alternative.
The Body Firm was founded in 2007 by Marianne Doele who is a personal trainer and expert in nutritional care. Thankfully, she didn’t create a programme where we would hop on the stepboard and start doing the insanity workout. Rather, she had brought in equipment to make our muscles work. And this programme, I’m talking about is the TBF system or The Body Firm toning treatment, a signature treatment which is pretty popular among their clients. And this is exactly what I need as of now.
Their treatment is unlike any other slimming treatments. It’s not a fat melting machine or anything like that, rather, it’s a machine to work your muscles which would in turn tone up your overall body.
The TBF toning treatment made use of a unique square waveform technology that targets specific muscle groups that tones and shapes the body significantly faster. So I had my body strapped with metal plates connected to wires that linked up to the machine and once the machine fires, I felt my muscles twitching abruptly. The sensation was bearable though my body would get a shock whenever the muscle contracts suddenly. The intermittent contraction and relaxation of the muscles is similar to intensive crunches or sit ups where you felt your abs ‘crying out loud’. Oh, it’s aching but I kinda like it because I know that abs-making has already taken place!
Time: 17 to 25 minutes
Comfort Level: 6/10
Pain Level: 4/10 ( Depends on the intensity)
This treatment did made a lot of sense to me. Rather than burning fats, I would much rather build and tone my muscles to help my body burn fat naturally. I would think this treatment would be perfect for men wants more muscle definition.

I also got to try their i-LIPO treatment which is a laser treatment that reduces fat. I had these white box-like treatment pads strapped to my thighs and hips which emits low-level lasers that would trigger chemical reactions to accelerate the body’s natural fat burning process. The beauty about such machines is that it targets at spot reduction which is almost impossible with exercise. Even personal trainers will tell you that exercising always involves a group of muscles working in sync. For instance, you may have a close-to-perfect body but you may still have that rim of tummy fats that bulge out of your pants slightly. These stubborn fats can be difficult to get rid of.
Time: 20 minutes
Comfort level: 9/10
Pain level: 3/10 ( Only a warm sensation is felt.)
The results have been surprisingly good. For the next couple of days, my abs were definitely harder which makes my tummy looks toner and flatter. I could totally imagine myself having that bikini body should I have gone for another 10 sessions. As of now, I am definitely more determined than ever to achieve that tone body knowing that I could rely on other options out there. If you are facing the same problem as I do, I’d say ‘Stay open-minded because the solution may just be right smack infront of you.’
To conclude the body firming session, I went for a bottle of cold-pressed juice. Now, it’s time to need my body with good nutritious stuff so that I could at least maintain a few days of that flatter stomach and firmer thighs after the treatment.
The Body Firm
402 Orchard Road
Delfi Orchard
Singapore 238876