Make Green Smoothie with Country Farms Super Greens

Country Farms Super Greens Alkalising Formula Organic super greens iHerb Green smoothie drink

I’ve been making green smoothies with store-bought super greens powder blend for almost a year now! It not only satiates my hungry but it also increases my bowel movements, detoxes my body and provided me with the essential nutrients without having to chomp down a bunch of vegetables.

How I stumbled upon powder Green Superfood blends

How I decided to incorporate green smoothies into my present diet is all thanks to my friend who passed me her remaining packet of Amazing Grass Green Superfood (Alkalize and Detox) shots. She could not finish it because she could not stand the taste. But it tasted delicious to me after blending it with some coconut juice and bananas. Ever since then, I’ve been making green smoothies every morning with Amazing Grass Green Superfood.

But since last month, I noticed that the prices of Amazing Grass products have increased slightly. So I decided to look for alternatives on iHerb. It was difficult to decide which brand to go for because of the mixed reviews on iHerb. Some of the reviews looked dubious and you can’t really rely fully on the reviews.

Country Farms Super Greens

In the end, I went with Country Farms Super Greens (Alkalising Formula). And it tasted as good as, if not better than Amazing Grass Green Superfood.

It has an added mushroom blend.

In terms of the ingredients, both Amazing Grass and Country Farms Super Greens are pretty similar. Both comprise a mixture of organic superfoods, fibre, antioxidants, prebiotics and probiotic blends. I guess the only difference is Country Farms’ formula contains a mushroom blend while Amazing Grass doesn’t. So I guess it is fair to say that Country Farms Super Greens contains more good stuff than Amazing Grass.

Country Farms Super Greens Alkalising Formula Organic super greens iHerb Green smoothie drink

Most importantly, how does it taste like?

Country Farms Super Greens Alkalising Formula Organic super greens iHerb Green smoothie drink

The Country Farms Super Greens is supposed to be tasteless. But it has a slightly grassy taste which can be masked away by adding some fruits, juice or milk.

The formula actually tasted cleaner and fresher than Amazing Grass. Even the colour of the resulting smoothie looks greener and brighter. Perhaps you could say that they have successfully prevented the ingredient formula from oxidising too much.

Country Farms Super Greens Alkalising Formula Organic super greens iHerb Green smoothie drink

Each tub contains about 300 grams worth of product. There’s about 20 servings. The recommended serving scoop is quite large. In fact, I find it too much for the amount of smoothie I was making so I usually halve it.

My Green Smoothie Formula

I made several tweaks to my current green smoothie recipe. Instead of using coconut water, I used soy milk. It is cheaper and it makes my smoothie taste and look creamier. I also added a dash of cinnamon, turmeric, ginger powder and Moringa leaf powder. To make my smoothie more wholesome, I also added some pure collagen powder into it.

Since I also had a tub of Naturade Total Soy’s Meal Replacement powder in Vanilla flavour, I added about a teaspoon of it just to sweeten it up a little. I also toss in a tablespoonful of instant baby oats to add more fibre to my green smoothie.

Alkalising Formula Organic superfood iHerb smoothie drink

Then I blend everything up in my trusty Philips blender which I worked well with blending all the ingredients together with ice cubes.

When the weather gets hotter in Singapore, I usually add in a little more ice cubes. The crushed ice also helps to thicken up the smoothie.

Alkalising Formula Organic superfood iHerb Green smoothie drink

The brilliant green colour of the smoothie just amazes me each time I look at it. It looks really enticing – just like an actual green smoothie which is made with real whole vegetables.

Alkalising Formula Organic superfood iHerb Green smoothie drink

To me, it just tasted like soy milk blended with bananas and kale. The flavour is complex. I am not sure how you could describe the nuances of the flavour but it just tastes really good to me. A little sweet, milky and ‘green’.

Country Farms Super Greens Alkalising Formula Organic super greens iHerb Green smoothie drink

If you are also into green smoothies, you should totally give this brand of green superfood a try! It’s a lifesaver for time-strapped adults like myself.

Where do I buy these health supplements from?

You can purchase Country Farms Super Greens on iHerb. It costs Enjoy 5% discount on every iHerb order when you use my promo code RBS682.