
    Kona Green Spirulina Green Tea

    A great way to kick start your metabolic rate is to have a warm drink the first thing you wake up in the morning. Ditch Milo or coffee, instead, go for tea. Black tea is good but green tea is even better. And spirulina green tea? That’s way better! That’s simply because it’s also a form of a natural nutritional supplement itself.
    I’ve experimented so many teas in my life and the ones that really works for me is green tea. I find this tea rather ‘cleansing’ and in many ways, it has helped me with digestion. It’s particularly effective in ‘calming’ your guts after eating a heavy meal or anything fried and oily. I just felt so much better after sipping some green tea especially after a meal. And right now, I’ve more reasons to drink green tea after being introduced to Kona Green Spirulina Green tea.
    Spirulina itself doesn’t taste very appetizing to me but it was made quite palatable with the additional of green tea extracts in this product. Initially, I thought this tea would taste more like Spirulina than green tea but in fact, the green tea aroma as slightly stronger which made this tea more palatable.
    And the best part about this tea? You can drink it hot, warm or cold. It’s a ‘east-meets-west’ blend of Hawaiian grown Spirulina and organic green tea.
    Spirulina is regarded as a superfood simply because it’s a complete protein as it contains all the essential amino acids. It is also an exceptional immune booster and is rich in natural beta-carotene which is known to fight free radicals. I would say that spirulina is as good as kale.
    Other Health benefits of Kona Spirulina Green Tea

    – increase energy levels

    – cleanse your body of free radicals
    – satisfies the appetite
    – contains Vitamin B-12 (which makes a great supplement for vegetarians like myself)
    – rich in antioxidants
    – spirulina is a complete protein (it contains all the essential amino acids)
    Ingredients: Hawaiian Spirulina Powder, Fresh Green Tea Extract and Maltodextrin (From Corn)
    Mix it with hot or cold water. Stir the mixture till even and enjoy!
    It comes with 20 sachets in a box.
    Kona Green Spirulina Green Tea can be purchased online from, an online vitamins and
    supplements retailer here in Singapore. Do check out their website for more health and nutritional products.

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