
    Acne Cream to The Rescue!


    My holy grail to dampen pimple growth was Oxy10. My mum would rave so much about how Oxy10 cured her zits and so being her obedient daughter, I started using it to treat pimples. It was effective at first but I soon realise that it couldn’t be used to treat acne for long, especially those stubborn ones. Applying it on my skin only makes my skin really dry and scaly.

    We’ve definitely been misinformed about the use of topical acne cream that treats the surface but not the roots of the cause. I’ve been told that benzoyl peroxide and retin-A ingredients to cure acne but little did I know, these chemicals only cause our skin dermis layer to degrade further. It’s funny why humans still rely on artificial chemicals to heal our skin conditions when nature itself already had the answer. It’s perhaps why Botani Rescue Acne cream, that contains Hydrastis Canadensis and tea tree oil, is effective in clearing my congested skin. Of course, the results are not immediate. But you will notice a gradual improvement like I did when I started using the Rescue Acne Cream. I swear by this product now.


    Botani Skin Rescue kit consist of 3 essential products – Purify Facial Cleanser, Boost Balancing Moisturizer, and Rescue Acne Cream. In my previous reviews of Botani products on my blog, I have also raved about how I enjoyed using Botani’s Purify Facial Cleanser too. For me, the uniqueness of this product is their concoction of pure botanical oils in it. This explains why the cleanser also smells really pleasant and as this soothing and calming scent of the plant extracts.


    I personally like this cleanser a lot but I do switch cleansers from time to time.


    It’s my first time trying out the boost balancing Moisturiser and I find the scent pretty similar to the cleanser. They have probably adapted the cleanser into this moisturizer form which has a lightweight consistency; almost like a lotion formula. This doesn’t disappoint but I still prefer their Olive oil serum which does a better job of moisturizing the skin and keep it supple.


    The lightweight formula resembles the formula of other serums which I’ve tried before. Nonetheless, it’s absorbs readily into the skin and it isn’t too rich for the skin. If you are a teen with troubled skin, you can try this product too.


    The star product would have to be the Rescue Acne cream which is a hidden gem. I totally underestimate the potency of this cream when I first use it. Like many others, I wouldn’t think that the plant extracts would be potent enough to kill bacteria like how salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide would. Maybe the effect is not as immediate with these plant-based active ingredients but it does work. And the best part is that it doesn’t dry up the skin and causes peeling like how other acne-prone ingredients would.

    Because of this product, I got to learn about Golden Seal (a.ka. Hydrastis Canadensis), which is a natural supplement for acne. The world should know about this! This is one of the main active ingredient found in this cream along with other ingredients like Green French Clay and Lemon-scented tea tree oil to regulate sebum secretion. Another amazing ingredient is Gotu Kola. This herb is well-known for promoting collagen production and growth of new skin.


    While using this cream, I recommend that you use a cotton bud to scrape out some of the product instead of using your bare fingers which might contaminate the product. It’s more of a spot-on treatment so I only using the product sparingly and apply it only on affected areas of my skin. Remember to spread the cream evenly on the affect areas till the product is absorbed into your skin.

    You will find a slight tightening effect on the skin after application but it isn’t very drying for the skin. I would apply this right after moisturizer and serum, just before going to bed. If you use this regularly, you will start to notice that your pimples diminish in size after 3 days of using it.

    So far, I’ve been using it on my pimples and other skin blemishes. And I only use it when I noticed that a pimple is emerging and this cream really helps to control the spread of the acne.


    And if you have sensitive skin or any other skin conditions, I recommend using such products which contain natural ingredients and no other artificial chemicals added to it. Most of the drugstore products claimed that it is suitable for sensitive skin but some of the products do contain ingredients which can aggravate your current skin condition. If unsure, just go for organic products and remember to read the ingredient labels!


    Botani is available on Love Organics SG

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