
    Coronavirus: COVID-19 is Humanity’s Reset Button

    hello-i-m-nik-T46vOtEMfA4-unsplash coronavirus
    Credit: Hello I’m Nik on Unsplash

    Looks like this coronavirus is here to stay for some time.

    We are living in unprecedented times where suddenly we are forced to cancel all gatherings, meetings, events, flights and so forth – just so we could all stay at home. Most of us are social creatures and it is not in our nature to isolate ourselves even though we usually find comfort living in our own places. But this time, it is essential for us to practise social distancing in order to contain this outbreak.

    To keep our sanity, we start to depend heavily on technology. More of us are now on popular social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram and TikTok to keep ourselves updated, entertained and connected. Suddenly, the world is hanging out at Zoom, Google Meet or YouTube to do live streaming. And for gamers, this is the best time to indulge in purchasing games and play video games with your online mates. Even the World Health Organisation (WHO) is advocating people to play video games amid this coronavirus pandemic. It seems that everything – almost everything is going in reverse.

    Is doomsday coming?

    Businesses are closed and people are finding themselves out of jobs. The tourism and aviation industry took the worst hit. The economic market crashed and worse still, we do not know when it will hit rock bottom. Everything seems to be going downhill.

    No. We just need a good detox in our systems.

    Are we going back to square one? Or perhaps the world just needs a detox from everything to realise what are the essential things they should do and keep in their lives. Maybe we are just waiting for someone to push the reset button for us and right now, it seems that we are going back to point zero. It may be tough losing everything but necessary for us to see things from a different perspective. While I am still feeling lost going through this battle with the world, I know that at the back of my mind that this coronavirus outbreak is a wakeup call for me and you.

    1. Cancelling the non-essential stuff in your life will make you happier and more productive.

    Credit: You X Ventures on Unsplash

    I applaud when my work meetings got cancelled. I cheered when we were given the option to work from home. Don’t get me wrong – meetings are essential but most of the time, meetings aren’t well-facilitated and boring. Instead of allowing us to voice out our views and ideas, we ended up listening to our bosses tell us what to do for hours.

    Work-life balance is key. Family, not work or money, should be our priority. Only meaningful relationships with people and God can fill up that emptiness within you.

    If you’re a workaholic, you might be struggling right now and wondering when this will be over. You can’t wait to schedule for the next meeting so that you can get your subordinates to accomplish your goals. I get it. But working from 9 to 5 and having regular meetings will not help your company to grow. We are living in this time where technology can boost our productivity so why not rely on it? Wouldn’t it be nice if you, as an employee, is given the flexibility of time to work, play and go after your own dreams? Then you would not have to listen to those self-called gurus on Facebook sponsored ads to get a life and quit your 9-to-5 job.

    2. Our Earth needed a break.

    Credit: Hussain Badshah on Unsplash

    No matter how many days of Earth Hour and Climate meetings we have, we will never to be able to give our Earth the break it deserves. I truly believe that fighting climate change and global warming is more than just finding alternatives. It is more than just banning the use of plastic straws and go for reusable straws. At the end of the days, it’s about consumerism. Buy less, use less and save the Earth.

    It’s also about limiting tourism and commercial activities. We have been doing things for our own greed – making tourist dollars at the expense of our nature and local people. Yes, we all want to live in a prosperous and thriving city but how far can you go? It made me realised about how Singapore is constantly thriving to put out its name on the map but has forgotten how to slow down and focus on that essential things – it’s people and environment.

    3. Don’t take your health and life for granted.

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    Credit: Cathy Pham on Unsplash

    I know that it is not the end of the world if you contract the COVID-19 virus. It is neither something you should not take seriously about. Yes, some people experience only mild symptoms and recovered after that but don’t forget that in the process of your recovery, you could have passed the virus on to someone else.

    No matter how healthy or young you are, the coronavirus can still attack your body. You’ll never know if the virus has mutated and created havoc in your bodies. It’s not just a disease that can cause death in elderly people. It can affect children and teenagers too. You may not be afraid of contracting the coronavirus but don’t forget about the exhausted doctors and nurses in the hospital who is battling hard to treat the sick. We need to realise this – we are not living in this world alone.

    No matter how ‘small’ we are, each of us can have an impact on others. The virus just started off with one person who contracted it and now there are over one million people who caught the virus in just a span of three months.

    4. We need to be taught how to rest.

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    Credit: Jared Rice on Unsplash

    For years, we humans can’t seem to sit still. We need to be reminded to sit down and be restful. And being restful means cancelling out the negative voice inside you and put your fear, anxieties and worries aside. It’s about finding that inner peace within you.

    Resting is not equivalent to being lazy. It’s about slowing down to appreciate the things around you. We have been taking many things for granted and now, it’s time for us to be thankful – even for the clean air that we can breathe in and a house where we can seek shelter.

    With sufficient rest and the realisation of what’s essential in our lives, we will be able to be renewed in our strength. New life will spring forth after this pandemic.

    5. Never put your trust in man.

    I don’t know about you. But this coronavirus outbreak made me realise how man is truly vulnerable. Everything tangible can crumble easily – from the stock market to businesses. But one thing can never be shaken is grace and love.

    If there’s one person we could look to, it would have to be our Heavenly Father. I’m not being religious but who else can we rely on? He did not send this virus but He promises that He will protect us from evil, under His mighty wings. It is a fight between the intangibles which we man can never fully comprehend.

    In retrospect, we could only pray and be thankful for what we have. Take this opportunity to reset and rethink about our past, present and future.

    Have faith. I pray that you’ll be safe. Peace be with you.

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