
    Toast to A Younger You

    Years of sleeping late and subjecting myself to work stress have taken its toll on my body. I could literally feel that my skin is starting to age after I turned 27 and even the skin recovers slower than before. Constant exposure to UV rays and other forms of environmental stress also speeds up collagen…

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    Nuts About Black Sesame

    I was nuts about black sesame after opening this bottle of sesame butter and finish it all within a week. No wonder my hair seems much thicker and darker now… Okay, jokes aside. But this jar of almond Black sesame by Nutsaboutbutter is now my top favorite butter among their other varieties of nut butter which…

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    Wellaholic: Health Supplements

    If you have read my previous post on Wellaholic, you would have known that I trying out their supplements – OxyBurn and Super 7 Probiotics. While I wasn’t quite into supplements, I decided to give it a try seeing that their FDA-approved supplements didn’t contain much of the unnecessary ingredients. Their OxyBurn supplement, in particular,…

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    Eye Health Check

    Most of us would have probably done a full body medical checks to assess our overall medical health and condition but how many of us actually did a comprehensive eye check? I recently went to Atlas Eye Specialist center for a general eye check which lasted for about an hour and a half. Atlas…

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