A Stroll to KKMC

Just in case you might be wondering what’s KKMC stands for, it’s actually the abbreviation for Kampong Kapor Methodist Church. This is the sanctuary where I usually go to on every Sundays. It’s located at the heart of Little India.    I really enjoy my Sunday morning walks to church because it’s really a feast…

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A Lost Art

Day 123: A Lost Art The contemplation of God is a form of lost art. An artwork that we often walked past it without stopping in our tracks and take some time to admire the beauty of it. A week ago, I was at SAM (Singapore Art Museum) and it’s been quite sometime ago ever…

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Breakfast Cereal Bowl

Stocking up on food enriched with wheat,fibre and oats for breakfast. Breakfast is my most anticipated meal of the day because I know I had something healthy on the kitchen table where I could whipped up something tasty and good for the body.  Have you tasted Weet-bix or whole-weet biscuits? They have become my favourite…

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