
    American Fast Food Giant, MacDonalds, is Back With Somethin’ Spicier in Singapore: The Summertime Burger

    Good evening, Singaporeans! I was invited to attend MacDonald’s topmost secretive food tasting last Sunday along with other bloggers and fans of MacDonalds. It’s been a really long time ever since I visited this American fast food giant in Singapore for a packet of fries with their soft-serve ice-cream or an apple pie. Based on…

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    NRGLab SH-Boxes:Now, The Truth is Made Convenient and Accessible for All

    Last week, I published an article introducing about NRGLab, a science-driven company that provides clean alternative energy technologies to the world.Currently, I’m working with them to share with you some of their latest updates about their projects and developments. In this article, I’m exploring one of their revolutionary inventions which could probably be the solution…

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